import cjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs' import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve' import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace' import strip from '@rollup/plugin-strip' import svelte from 'rollup-plugin-svelte' import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess' import analyze from 'rollup-plugin-analyzer' import { buildStyles } from './bin/buildStyles.js' const { NODE_ENV, DEBUG } = process.env const dev = NODE_ENV !== 'production' const preprocessConfig = preprocess() const origMarkup = preprocessConfig.markup // minify the HTML by removing extra whitespace // TODO: this is fragile, but it also results in a lot of bundlesize savings. let's find a better solution preprocessConfig.markup = async function () { const res = await origMarkup.apply(this, arguments) // remove whitespace res.code = res.code.replace(/([>}])\s+([<{])/sg, '$1$2') return res } // Build Database.test.js and Picker.js as separate modules at build times so that they are properly tree-shakeable. // Most of this has to happen because customElements.define() has side effects const baseConfig = { plugins: [ resolve(), cjs(), replace({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': dev ? '"development"' : '"production"', 'process.env.PERF': !!process.env.PERF, 'process.env.STYLES': JSON.stringify(buildStyles()), preventAssignment: true }), replace({ '\'../database/Database.js\'': '\'./database.js\'', delimiters: ['', ''], preventAssignment: true }), svelte({ compilerOptions: { dev, discloseVersion: false }, preprocess: preprocessConfig, emitCss: false }), // make the svelte output slightly smaller replace({ 'options.anchor': 'undefined', 'options.context': 'undefined', 'options.customElement': 'undefined', 'options.hydrate': 'undefined', 'options.immutable': 'undefined', 'options.intro': 'undefined', delimiters: ['', ''], preventAssignment: true }), strip({ include: ['**/*.js', '**/*.svelte'], functions: [ (!dev && !process.env.PERF) && 'performance.*', !dev && 'console.log' ].filter(Boolean) }), DEBUG && analyze({ summaryOnly: true }) ], external: [ './database.js', '../database/Database.js' ] } const entryPoints = [ { input: './src/picker/PickerElement.js', output: './picker.js' }, { input: './src/database/Database.js', output: './database.js' }, { input: './src/trimEmojiData.js', output: './trimEmojiData.js' }, { input: './src/trimEmojiData.js', output: './trimEmojiData.cjs', format: 'cjs' }, { input: './src/picker/PickerElement.js', output: './svelte.js', external: ['svelte', 'svelte/internal'], onwarn (warning) { if (!warning.message.includes('ensure_array_like')) { // intentionally ignore warning for unused import console.warn(warning.message) } } } ] export default{ input, output, format = 'es', external = [], onwarn }) => { return { input, output: { format, file: output, sourcemap: dev, exports: 'auto' }, external: [...baseConfig.external, ...external], plugins: baseConfig.plugins, onwarn } })