import MagicString from 'magic-string' // Rollup plugin to concatenate adjacent expressions inside of html`` template literals // for text nodes // E.g. html`
` becomes html`
${'1' + a + '2' + b + '3'}
` function concatenateAdjacentExpressions (string) { let count = 0 const tokens = [] let currentString = '' let i = 0 const consumeStringLiteral = () => { if (currentString) { tokens.push(JSON.stringify(currentString)) currentString = '' } } while (i < string.length) { count++ if (count > 1000) { debugger throw new Error('stack overflow here') } const char = string.charAt(i) if (char === '$' && string.charAt(i + 1) === '{') { // any pre-existing chars are string literals consumeStringLiteral() // consume expression i += 2 let expression = '' while (string.charAt(i) !== '}') { count++ if (count > 1000) { debugger throw new Error('stack overflow here') } expression += string.charAt(i) i++ } tokens.push(expression) } else { currentString += char } i++ } consumeStringLiteral() return '>${' + tokens.join(' + ') + '}<' } export function concatenateAdjacentExpressionsRollupPlugin () { return { id: 'concatenate-adjacent-expressions', transform (content) { if (content.includes('html`')) { const magicString = new MagicString(content) const matchingHtmlTagTemplateLiterals = content.matchAll(/html`.*?`/sg) for (const match of matchingHtmlTagTemplateLiterals) { const substring = match[0] const { index } = match for (const subMatch of substring.matchAll(/>(.+?)