import { basicBeforeEach, basicAfterEach, ALL_EMOJI, truncatedEmoji, tick } from '../shared' import * as testingLibrary from '@testing-library/dom' import Picker from '../../../src/picker/PickerElement.js' import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event' import { groups } from '../../../src/picker/groups' import Database from '../../../src/database/Database' import { getAccessibleName } from '../utils' import { checkEmojiEquals, openSkintoneListbox } from './shared' const { waitFor, fireEvent } = testingLibrary const { type } = userEvent describe('Picker tests', () => { let picker let container const proxy = new Proxy(testingLibrary, { get (obj, prop) { return function (...args) { return obj[prop](container, ...args) } } }) const { getAllByRole, getByRole, queryAllByRole, queryByRole } = proxy const activeElement = () => container.getRootNode().activeElement beforeEach(async () => { basicBeforeEach() picker = new Picker({ dataSource: ALL_EMOJI, locale: 'en' }) document.body.appendChild(picker) container = picker.shadowRoot.querySelector('.picker') await tick(20) await waitFor(() => expect( testingLibrary.getAllByRole(getByRole('tabpanel'), 'menuitem')).toHaveLength(numInGroup1), { timeout: 2000 } ) await tick(20) }) afterEach(async () => { await tick(20) document.body.removeChild(picker) await tick(20) await new Database({ dataSource: ALL_EMOJI, locale: 'en' }).delete() await tick(20) await basicAfterEach() }) const numInGroup1 = truncatedEmoji.filter(_ => === 0).length const numInGroup2 = truncatedEmoji.filter(_ => === 1).length test('basic picker test', async () => { await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('button', { name: 'Choose a skin tone (currently Default)' })).toBeVisible()) expect(getAllByRole('tab')).toHaveLength(groups.length) expect(getByRole('tab', { name: 'Smileys and emoticons', selected: true })).toBeVisible() await waitFor(() => expect( testingLibrary.getAllByRole(getByRole('tabpanel'), 'menuitem')).toHaveLength(numInGroup1) ) expect(getByRole('tab', { name: 'People and body' })).toBeVisible()'tab', { name: 'People and body' })) await waitFor(() => expect( testingLibrary.getAllByRole(getByRole('tabpanel'), 'menuitem')).toHaveLength(numInGroup2)) expect(getByRole('tab', { name: 'People and body', selected: true })).toBeVisible() }) test('basic search test', async () => { expect(queryAllByRole('tab', { selected: true })).toHaveLength(1) // one tab selected at first await type(getByRole('combobox'), 'monk') await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('option')).toHaveLength(2)) expect(getByRole('option', { name: /🐵/ })).toBeVisible() expect(getByRole('option', { name: /🐒/ })).toBeVisible() expect(queryAllByRole('tab', { selected: true })).toHaveLength(0) // no tabs selected when searching }) test('basic skintone test', async () => { let event picker.addEventListener('skin-tone-change', newEvent => { event = newEvent }) await openSkintoneListbox(container) await waitFor(() => ( expect( getByRole('option', { name: 'Default', selected: true }).id) .toBe(queryByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' }).getAttribute('aria-activedescendant')) ) ) const pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption = async (key, name) => { await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(resolve))) // delay await fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key, code: key }) await waitFor(() => { const selectedOption = getByRole('option', { name, selected: true }) return expect( queryByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' }).getAttribute('aria-activedescendant') ) }) } await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('ArrowDown', 'Light') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('ArrowDown', 'Medium-Light') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('ArrowUp', 'Light') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('ArrowUp', 'Default') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('ArrowUp', 'Dark') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('ArrowDown', 'Default') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('ArrowUp', 'Dark') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('Home', 'Default') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('Home', 'Default') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('End', 'Dark') await pressKeyAndExpectActiveOption('End', 'Dark') await fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key: 'Enter', code: 'Enter' }) await waitFor(() => expect(event && event.detail).toStrictEqual({ skinTone: 5 })) await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toHaveLength(0)) expect(getByRole('button', { name: 'Choose a skin tone (currently Dark)' })).toBeVisible() // favorites has the skin tone await waitFor(() => ( expect(queryAllByRole('menuitem').map(_ => _.getAttribute('aria-label')).some(_ => _.includes('👍🏿')))) ) getByRole('tab', { name: 'People and body' }).click() // tabpanel emoji has the skin tone await waitFor(() => ( expect(queryAllByRole('menuitem').map(_ => _.getAttribute('aria-label')).some(_ => _.includes('🖐🏿')))) ) getByRole('button', { name: 'Choose a skin tone (currently Dark)' }).click() await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toHaveLength(1)) getByRole('option', { name: 'Default' }).click() await waitFor(() => expect(event && event.detail).toStrictEqual({ skinTone: 0 })) expect(getByRole('button', { name: 'Choose a skin tone (currently Default)' })).toBeVisible() }) test('skintone can be chosen with Enter key', async () => { expect(getByRole('button', { name: 'Choose a skin tone (currently Default)' })).toBeVisible() await openSkintoneListbox(container) await fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key: 'ArrowDown', code: 'ArrowDown' }) await fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key: 'Enter', code: 'Enter' }) await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toHaveLength(0)) expect(getByRole('button', { name: 'Choose a skin tone (currently Light)' })).toBeVisible() }) test('skintone can be chosen with Spacebar key', async () => { expect(getByRole('button', { name: 'Choose a skin tone (currently Default)' })).toBeVisible() await openSkintoneListbox(container) await fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key: 'ArrowDown', code: 'ArrowDown' }) await fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key: 'ArrowDown', code: 'ArrowDown' }) await fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key: ' ', code: ' ' }) await fireEvent.keyUp(activeElement(), { key: ' ', code: ' ' }) await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toHaveLength(0)) expect(getByRole('button', { name: 'Choose a skin tone (currently Medium-Light)' })).toBeVisible() }) test('Escape key dismisses skintone listbox', async () => { await openSkintoneListbox(container) await waitFor(() => ( expect( getByRole('option', { name: 'Default', selected: true }).id) .toBe(queryByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' }).getAttribute('aria-activedescendant')) ) ) await fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key: 'Escape', code: 'Escape' }) // listbox closes and skintone dropdown button becomes active element await waitFor(async () => ( expect(await getAccessibleName(container, activeElement())).toEqual('Choose a skin tone (currently Default)')) ) await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toHaveLength(0)) }) test('Click skintone button while picker is open', async () => { // this should not be possible since the picker covers the button when it's open, // but this is for test coverage, and just to be safe await openSkintoneListbox(container) await'button', { name: /Choose a skin tone/ })) // listbox closes await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toHaveLength(0)) }) test('nav keyboard test', async () => { getByRole('tab', { name: 'Smileys and emoticons', selected: true }).focus() const expectGroupLength = async group => { await waitFor(() => expect(testingLibrary.getAllByRole(getByRole('tabpanel'), 'menuitem')) .toHaveLength(truncatedEmoji.filter(_ => === group).length)) } const pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab = async (key, name, group) => { await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(resolve))) // delay await fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key, code: key }) await await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('tab', { name, selected: true })).toBe(activeElement())) await expectGroupLength(group) } await expectGroupLength(0) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowLeft', 'Smileys and emoticons', 0) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'People and body', 1) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'Animals and nature', 3) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowLeft', 'People and body', 1) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'Animals and nature', 3) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'Food and drink', 4) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'Travel and places', 5) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'Activities', 6) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'Objects', 7) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'Symbols', 8) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'Flags', 9) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('ArrowRight', 'Flags', 9) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('Home', 'Smileys and emoticons', 0) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('Home', 'Smileys and emoticons', 0) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('End', 'Flags', 9) await pressKeyAndExpectActiveTab('End', 'Flags', 9) }) test('measures zwj emoji', async () => { getByRole('tab', { name: 'Flags' }).click() await tick(20) await waitFor(() => expect(testingLibrary.getAllByRole(getByRole('tabpanel'), 'menuitem')) .toHaveLength(truncatedEmoji.filter(_ => === 9).length)) }) test('click emoji and get an event', async () => { let emoji picker.addEventListener('emoji-click', event => { emoji = event.detail }) getByRole('menuitem', { name: /😀/ }).click() await waitFor(() => checkEmojiEquals(emoji, { emoji: { annotation: 'grinning face', group: 0, shortcodes: ['grinning', 'grinning_face'], tags: ['face', 'grin'], unicode: '😀', version: 1 }, skinTone: 0, unicode: '😀' })) // choose a skin tone and then click an emoji where it would apply getByRole('button', { name: /Choose a skin tone/ }).click() await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('option', { name: /Medium-Dark/ })).toBeVisible()) getByRole('option', { name: /Medium-Dark/ }).click() await waitFor( () => expect(getByRole('button', { name: 'Choose a skin tone (currently Medium-Dark)' })).toBeVisible() ) getByRole('tab', { name: /People/ }).click() await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('menuitem', { name: /👍/ })).toBeVisible()) getByRole('menuitem', { name: /👍/ }).click() await waitFor(() => checkEmojiEquals(emoji, { emoji: { annotation: 'thumbs up', group: 1, shortcodes: ['+1', 'thumbsup', 'yes'], tags: ['+1', 'hand', 'thumb', 'up'], unicode: '👍️', version: 0.6, skins: [ { tone: 1, unicode: '👍🏻', version: 1 }, { tone: 2, unicode: '👍🏼', version: 1 }, { tone: 3, unicode: '👍🏽', version: 1 }, { tone: 4, unicode: '👍🏾', version: 1 }, { tone: 5, unicode: '👍🏿', version: 1 } ] }, skinTone: 4, unicode: '👍🏾' })) // then click one that has no skins getByRole('tab', { name: /Smileys/ }).click() await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('menuitem', { name: /😀/ })).toBeVisible()) getByRole('menuitem', { name: /😀/ }).click() await waitFor(() => checkEmojiEquals(emoji, { emoji: { annotation: 'grinning face', group: 0, shortcodes: ['grinning', 'grinning_face'], tags: ['face', 'grin'], unicode: '😀', version: 1 }, skinTone: 4, unicode: '😀' })) }) test('press up/down on search input', async () => { type(getByRole('combobox'), 'monk') await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('option')).toHaveLength(2)) const pressKeyAndExpectAriaDescendant = async (key, emoji) => { await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(() => requestAnimationFrame(resolve))) // delay fireEvent.keyDown(getByRole('combobox'), { key, code: key }) await waitFor(() => { return expect(getByRole('combobox').getAttribute('aria-activedescendant')) .toBe(getByRole('option', { name: new RegExp(emoji) }).getAttribute('id')) }) } await pressKeyAndExpectAriaDescendant('ArrowDown', '🐵') await pressKeyAndExpectAriaDescendant('ArrowDown', '🐒') await pressKeyAndExpectAriaDescendant('ArrowUp', '🐵') await pressKeyAndExpectAriaDescendant('ArrowUp', '🐒') let emoji picker.addEventListener('emoji-click', event => { emoji = event.detail }) fireEvent.keyDown(activeElement(), { key: 'Enter', code: 'Enter' }) await waitFor(() => checkEmojiEquals(emoji, { emoji: { annotation: 'monkey', group: 3, shortcodes: ['monkey'], tags: ['monkey'], unicode: '🐒', version: 0.6 }, skinTone: 0, unicode: '🐒' })) }) test('press enter to make first search item active', async () => { await tick(120) type(getByRole('combobox'), 'monkey face') await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('option')).toHaveLength(1)) expect(getByRole('combobox').getAttribute('aria-activedescendant')).toBeFalsy() await tick(120) fireEvent.keyDown(getByRole('combobox'), { key: 'Enter', code: 'Enter' }) await waitFor(() => ( expect(getByRole('combobox').getAttribute('aria-activedescendant')) .toBe(getByRole('option', { name: /🐵/ }).getAttribute('id')) ), { timeout: 5000 }) }, 10000) test('press enter on an empty search list', async () => { await tick(120) type(getByRole('combobox'), 'xxxyyyzzzhahaha') await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole('option')).toHaveLength(0)) expect(getByRole('combobox').getAttribute('aria-activedescendant')).toBeFalsy() await tick(120) fireEvent.keyDown(getByRole('combobox'), { key: 'Enter', code: 'Enter' }) await tick(120) // should do nothing basically since there's nothing to search for expect(queryAllByRole('option')).toHaveLength(0) expect(getByRole('combobox').getAttribute('aria-activedescendant')).toBeFalsy() }, 10000) test('press enter to make first search item active - custom emoji', async () => { picker.customEmoji = [ { name: 'donkey', shortcodes: ['donkey'], url: 'donkey.png', category: 'Ungulates' } ] await tick(120) type(getByRole('combobox'), 'donkey') await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('option')).toHaveLength(1)) expect(getByRole('combobox').getAttribute('aria-activedescendant')).toBeFalsy() await tick(120) fireEvent.keyDown(getByRole('combobox'), { key: 'Enter', code: 'Enter' }) await waitFor(() => { return expect(getByRole('combobox').getAttribute('aria-activedescendant')) .toBe(getByRole('option', { name: /donkey/ }).getAttribute('id')) }, { timeout: 5000 }) let emoji picker.addEventListener('emoji-click', event => { emoji = event.detail }) fireEvent.keyDown(getByRole('combobox'), { key: 'Enter', code: 'Enter' }) await waitFor(() => expect(emoji && === 'donkey')) }, 10000) test('Closes skintone picker when blurred', async () => {'button', { name: /Choose a skin tone/ })) await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toBeVisible()) // Simulating a focusout event is hard, have to both focus and blur getByRole('combobox').focus() fireEvent.focusOut(getByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })) await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toHaveLength(0)) }) test('Closes skintone picker when focus moves to skintone trigger button', async () => { const chooseSkintoneButton = getByRole('button', { name: /Choose a skin tone/ }) await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toBeVisible()) // Simulating a focusout event is hard, have to both focus and blur chooseSkintoneButton.focus() fireEvent.focusOut(getByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })) await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole('listbox', { name: 'Skin tones' })).toHaveLength(0)) }) test('Custom emoji with categories', async () => { picker.customEmoji = [ { name: 'monkey', shortcodes: ['monkey'], url: 'monkey.png', category: 'Primates' }, { name: 'donkey', shortcodes: ['donkey'], url: 'donkey.png', category: 'Ungulates' }, { name: 'horse', shortcodes: ['horse'], url: 'horse.png', category: 'Ungulates' }, { name: 'human', shortcodes: ['human'], url: 'human.png' } ] await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('tab')).toHaveLength(groups.length + 1)) await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('menu')).toHaveLength(4)) // favorites + three custom categories await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'human' })).toBeVisible()) await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'donkey' })).toBeVisible()) await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'monkey' })).toBeVisible()) await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'horse' })).toBeVisible()) // confirm alphabetical order for categories expect( await Promise.all(getAllByRole('menu').map(node => getAccessibleName(container, node))) ).toStrictEqual( ['Custom', 'Primates', 'Ungulates', 'Favorites'] ) // try searching await type(getByRole('combobox'), 'donkey') await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole('option', { name: 'donkey' })).toBeVisible()) }) test('Custom emoji with sorted categories and no shortcodes', async () => { picker.customEmoji = [ { name: 'monkey', url: 'monkey.png', category: 'Primates' }, { name: 'donkey', url: 'donkey.png', category: 'Ungulates' }, { name: 'horse', url: 'horse.png', category: 'Ungulates' }, { name: 'bird', url: 'bird.png', category: 'Avians' }, { name: 'human', url: 'human.png' } ] await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('tab')).toHaveLength(groups.length + 1)) await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('menu')).toHaveLength(5)) // favorites + four custom categories // confirm alphabetical order for categories expect( await Promise.all(getAllByRole('menu').map(node => getAccessibleName(container, node))) ).toStrictEqual([ 'Custom', 'Avians', 'Primates', 'Ungulates', 'Favorites' ]) const order = ['Ungulates', 'Primates', 'Avians'] picker.customCategorySorting = (a, b) => { const aIdx = order.indexOf(a) const bIdx = order.indexOf(b) return aIdx < bIdx ? -1 : 1 } await waitFor(async () => ( expect( await Promise.all(getAllByRole('menu').map(node => getAccessibleName(container, node))) ).toStrictEqual([ 'Custom', ...order, 'Favorites' ]) )) }) test('Custom emoji with all the same category', async () => { picker.customEmoji = [ { name: 'sheep', url: 'sheep.png', category: 'Ungulates' }, { name: 'deer', url: 'deer.png', category: 'Ungulates' }, { name: 'pig', url: 'pig.png', category: 'Ungulates' }, { name: 'horse', url: 'horse.png', category: 'Ungulates' }, { name: 'donkey', url: 'donkey.png', category: 'Ungulates' }, { name: 'rhinoceros', url: 'rhinoceros.png', category: 'Ungulates' } ] await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('tab')).toHaveLength(groups.length + 1)) await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole('menu')).toHaveLength(2)) // favorites + 1 custom categories await waitFor(async () => ( expect( await Promise.all(getAllByRole('menu').map(node => getAccessibleName(container, node))) ).toStrictEqual([ 'Ungulates', 'Favorites' ]) )) // Visibility test, has nothing to do with accessibility. We visually show the label if there's a single category // and it's not the default "Custom" one. expect(container.querySelector('.category').textContent).toEqual('Ungulates') expect(container.querySelector('.category')).not.toHaveClass('gone') }) test('Styles are working in Jest', async () => { const style = picker.shadowRoot.querySelector('style') expect(style.textContent).not.toEqual('') }) })