import { assertNonEmptyString } from './utils/assertNonEmptyString' import { assertNumber } from './utils/assertNumber' import { DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE, DEFAULT_LOCALE, KEY_PREFERRED_SKINTONE, STORE_KEYVALUE } from './constants' import { uniqEmoji } from './utils/uniqEmoji' import { closeDatabase, deleteDatabase, setOnCloseListener, openDatabase } from './databaseLifecycle' import { isEmpty, getEmojiByGroup, getEmojiBySearchQuery, getEmojiByShortcode, getEmojiByUnicode, get, set, getTopFavoriteEmoji, incrementFavoriteEmojiCount } from './idbInterface' import { customEmojiIndex } from './customEmojiIndex' import { cleanEmoji } from './utils/cleanEmoji' import { loadDataForFirstTime, checkForUpdates } from './dataLoading' export default class Database { constructor ({ dataSource = DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE, locale = DEFAULT_LOCALE, customEmoji = [] } = {}) { this.dataSource = dataSource this.locale = locale this._dbName = `emoji-picker-element-${this.locale}` this._db = undefined this._lazyUpdate = undefined this._custom = customEmojiIndex(customEmoji) this._clear = this._clear.bind(this) this._ready = this._init() } async _init () { const db = this._db = await openDatabase(this._dbName) setOnCloseListener(db, this._clear) const dataSource = this.dataSource const empty = await isEmpty(db) if (empty) { await loadDataForFirstTime(db, dataSource) } else { // offline-first - do an update asynchronously this._lazyUpdate = checkForUpdates(db, dataSource) } } async ready () { const checkReady = async () => { if (!this._ready) { this._ready = this._init() } return this._ready } await checkReady() // There's a possibility of a race condition where the element gets added, removed, and then added again // with a particular timing, which would set the _db to undefined. // We *could* do a while loop here, but that seems excessive and could lead to an infinite loop. if (!this._db) { await checkReady() } } async getEmojiByGroup (group) { assertNumber(group) await this.ready() return uniqEmoji(await getEmojiByGroup(this._db, group)).map(cleanEmoji) } async getEmojiBySearchQuery (query) { assertNonEmptyString(query) await this.ready() const customs = const natives = uniqEmoji(await getEmojiBySearchQuery(this._db, query)).map(cleanEmoji) return [ ...customs, ...natives ] } async getEmojiByShortcode (shortcode) { assertNonEmptyString(shortcode) await this.ready() const custom = this._custom.byShortcode(shortcode) if (custom) { return custom } return cleanEmoji(await getEmojiByShortcode(this._db, shortcode)) } async getEmojiByUnicodeOrName (unicodeOrName) { assertNonEmptyString(unicodeOrName) await this.ready() const custom = this._custom.byName(unicodeOrName) if (custom) { return custom } return cleanEmoji(await getEmojiByUnicode(this._db, unicodeOrName)) } async getPreferredSkinTone () { await this.ready() return (await get(this._db, STORE_KEYVALUE, KEY_PREFERRED_SKINTONE)) || 0 } async setPreferredSkinTone (skinTone) { assertNumber(skinTone) await this.ready() return set(this._db, STORE_KEYVALUE, KEY_PREFERRED_SKINTONE, skinTone) } async incrementFavoriteEmojiCount (unicodeOrName) { assertNonEmptyString(unicodeOrName) await this.ready() return incrementFavoriteEmojiCount(this._db, unicodeOrName) } async getTopFavoriteEmoji (limit) { assertNumber(limit) await this.ready() return (await getTopFavoriteEmoji(this._db, this._custom, limit)).map(cleanEmoji) } set customEmoji (customEmojis) { this._custom = customEmojiIndex(customEmojis) } get customEmoji () { return this._custom.all } async _shutdown () { await this.ready() // reopen if we've already been closed/deleted try { await this._lazyUpdate // allow any lazy updates to process before closing/deleting } catch (err) { /* ignore network errors (offline-first) */ } } // clear references to IDB, e.g. during a close event _clear () { console.log('_clear database', this._dbName) // We don't need to call removeEventListener or remove the manual "close" listeners. // The memory leak tests prove this is unnecessary. It's because: // 1) IDBDatabases that can no longer fire "close" automatically have listeners GCed // 2) we clear the manual close listeners in databaseLifecycle.js. this._db = this._ready = this._lazyUpdate = undefined } async close () { await this._shutdown() await closeDatabase(this._db) } async delete () { await this._shutdown() await deleteDatabase(this._dbName) } }