import path from 'node:path' import sass from 'sass' import { markdownTable as table } from 'markdown-table' import { readFile, writeFile } from './fs.js' import { replaceInReadme } from './replaceInReadme.js' import postcss from 'postcss' import { FONT_FAMILY } from '../src/picker/constants.js' const __dirname = path.dirname(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname) // To avoid code duplication, we could not declare this in variables.scss const MANUAL_VARS = [{ name: '--emoji-font-family', value: FONT_FAMILY, comment: 'Font family for a custom emoji font (as opposed to native emoji)' }] const START_MARKER = '' const END_MARKER = '' function extractCSSVariables (node) { const res = [] for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { const subNode = node.nodes[i] if (subNode.type === 'decl' && subNode.prop.startsWith('--')) { const nextNode = node.nodes[i + 1] const comment = (nextNode && nextNode.type === 'comment' && nextNode.text.trim()) || undefined res.push({ name: subNode.prop, value: subNode.value, comment }) } } return res } // Find all the CSS variables declared on the :host and print them out // into the README as documentation async function generateCssVariablesData (css) { const ast = postcss.parse(css) const hosts = ast.nodes.filter(({ selector }) => ([':host', ':host,\n:host(.light)'].includes(selector))) const darkHosts = ast.nodes.filter(({ selector }) => selector === ':host(.dark)') const vars = const darkVars = const sortedVars = vars.sort((a, b) => < ? -1 : 1) return{ name, value, comment }) => { const darkIndex = darkVars.findIndex(_ => === name) let darkValue = darkIndex !== -1 ? darkVars[darkIndex].value : '' if (darkValue === value) { darkValue = '' } const wrap = _ => ('`' + _ + '`') return [wrap(name), wrap(value), darkValue ? wrap(darkValue) : '', comment || ''] }) } function generateMarkdownTable (cssData) { const headers = ['Variable', 'Default', 'Default (dark)', 'Description'] return table([ headers, ...cssData ]) } async function replaceInCustomElementsJson (cssData) { const jsonFilename = path.join(__dirname, '../custom-elements.json') const json = JSON.parse(await readFile(jsonFilename, 'utf8')) const unwrap = _ => _.substring(1, _.length - 1) // remove backticks json.modules[0].declarations[0].cssProperties =[name, value, darkValue, comment]) => { return { name: unwrap(name), description: `${comment} (default: ${value}${darkValue ? `, dark default: ${darkValue}` : ''})`.trim(), default: JSON.stringify(unwrap(value)) } }) await writeFile(jsonFilename, JSON.stringify(json, null, 2), 'utf8') } async function main () { const css = sass.renderSync({ file: './src/picker/styles/variables.scss' }).css.toString('utf8') const cssData = await generateCssVariablesData(css) const markdown = generateMarkdownTable(cssData) await replaceInReadme(START_MARKER, END_MARKER, markdown) await replaceInCustomElementsJson(cssData) } main().catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })