import { createRoot } from './components/Picker/Picker.js' import { DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE, DEFAULT_LOCALE } from '../database/constants' import { DEFAULT_CATEGORY_SORTING, DEFAULT_SKIN_TONE_EMOJI, FONT_FAMILY } from './constants' import enI18n from './i18n/en.js' import Database from './ImportedDatabase' import { queueMicrotask } from './utils/queueMicrotask.js' import baseStyles from './styles/picker.scss' const PROPS = [ 'customEmoji', 'customCategorySorting', 'database', 'dataSource', 'i18n', 'locale', 'skinToneEmoji', 'emojiVersion' ] // Styles injected ourselves, so we can declare the FONT_FAMILY variable in one place const EXTRA_STYLES = `:host{--emoji-font-family:${FONT_FAMILY}}` export default class PickerElement extends HTMLElement { constructor (props) { performance.mark('initialLoad') super() this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }) const style = document.createElement('style') style.textContent = baseStyles + EXTRA_STYLES this.shadowRoot.appendChild(style) this._ctx = { // Set defaults locale: DEFAULT_LOCALE, dataSource: DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE, skinToneEmoji: DEFAULT_SKIN_TONE_EMOJI, customCategorySorting: DEFAULT_CATEGORY_SORTING, customEmoji: null, i18n: enI18n, emojiVersion: null, ...props } // Handle properties set before the element was upgraded for (const prop of PROPS) { if (prop !== 'database' &&, prop)) { this._ctx[prop] = this[prop] delete this[prop] } } this._dbCreate() } connectedCallback () { // The _cmp may be defined if the component was immediately disconnected and then reconnected. In that case, // do nothing (preserve the state) if (!this._cmp) { this._cmp = createRoot(this.shadowRoot, this._ctx) } } disconnectedCallback () { // Check in a microtask if the element is still connected. If so, treat this as a "move" rather than a disconnect // Inspired by Vue: queueMicrotask(() => { // this._cmp may be defined if connect-disconnect-connect-disconnect occurs synchronously if (!this.isConnected && this._cmp) { this._cmp.$destroy() this._cmp = undefined const { database } = this._ctx database.close() // only happens if the database failed to load in the first place, so we don't care .catch(err => console.error(err)) } }) } static get observedAttributes () { return ['locale', 'data-source', 'skin-tone-emoji', 'emoji-version'] // complex objects aren't supported, also use kebab-case } attributeChangedCallback (attrName, oldValue, newValue) { this._set( // convert from kebab-case to camelcase // see attrName.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (_, up) => up.toUpperCase()), // convert string attribute to float if necessary attrName === 'emoji-version' ? parseFloat(newValue) : newValue ) } _set (prop, newValue) { this._ctx[prop] = newValue if (this._cmp) { this._cmp.$set({ [prop]: newValue }) } if (['locale', 'dataSource'].includes(prop)) { // Wait a microtask in case both of them change. We don't want to create two separate // Databases when both props/attrs change in the same event loop tick. queueMicrotask(() => this._dbCreate()) } } _dbCreate () { const { locale, dataSource, database } = this._ctx // only create a new database if we really need to if (!database || database.locale !== locale || database.dataSource !== dataSource) { if (database) { database.close() }'new db', locale, dataSource) this._set('database', new Database({ locale, dataSource })) } } } const definitions = {} for (const prop of PROPS) { definitions[prop] = { get () { if (prop === 'database') { // in rare cases, the microtask may not be flushed yet, so we need to instantiate the DB // now if the user is asking for it this._dbCreate() } return this._ctx[prop] }, set (val) { if (prop === 'database') { throw new Error('database is read-only') } this._set(prop, val) } } } Object.defineProperties(PickerElement.prototype, definitions) /* istanbul ignore else */ if (!customElements.get('emoji-picker')) { // if already defined, do nothing (e.g. same script imported twice) customElements.define('emoji-picker', PickerElement) }