Nolan Lawson d732610e7f
perf: use relaxed IDB transactions and manually commit (#218)
* perf: use relaxed IDB transactions and manually commit

* fix: reduce time spent in benchmark

* fix: add missing txn.commit()

* fix: small syntax change
2021-08-21 14:48:38 -07:00

244 lines
7.8 KiB

import { dbPromise } from './databaseLifecycle'
import {
} from './constants'
import { transformEmojiData } from './utils/transformEmojiData'
import { extractTokens } from './utils/extractTokens'
import { commit, getAllIDB, getIDB } from './idbUtil'
import { findCommonMembers } from './utils/findCommonMembers'
import { normalizeTokens } from './utils/normalizeTokens'
export async function isEmpty (db) {
return !(await get(db, STORE_KEYVALUE, KEY_URL))
export async function hasData (db, url, eTag) {
const [oldETag, oldUrl] = await Promise.all([KEY_ETAG, KEY_URL]
.map(key => get(db, STORE_KEYVALUE, key)))
return (oldETag === eTag && oldUrl === url)
async function doFullDatabaseScanForSingleResult (db, predicate) {
// This batching algorithm is just a perf improvement over a basic
// cursor. The BATCH_SIZE is an estimate of what would give the best
// perf for doing a full DB scan (worst case).
// Mini-benchmark for determining the best batch size:
// PERF=1 yarn build:rollup && yarn test:adhoc
// (async () => {
// performance.mark('start')
// await $('emoji-picker').database.getEmojiByShortcode('doesnotexist')
// performance.measure('total', 'start')
// console.log(performance.getEntriesByName('total').slice(-1)[0].duration)
// })()
const BATCH_SIZE = 50 // Typically around 150ms for 6x slowdown in Chrome for above benchmark
return dbPromise(db, STORE_EMOJI, MODE_READONLY, (emojiStore, txn, cb) => {
let lastKey
const processNextBatch = () => {
emojiStore.getAll(lastKey && IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(lastKey, true), BATCH_SIZE).onsuccess = e => {
const results = e.target.result
for (const result of results) {
lastKey = result.unicode
if (predicate(result)) {
return cb(result)
if (results.length < BATCH_SIZE) {
return cb()
export async function loadData (db, emojiData, url, eTag) {
try {
const transformedData = transformEmojiData(emojiData)
await dbPromise(db, [STORE_EMOJI, STORE_KEYVALUE], MODE_READWRITE, ([emojiStore, metaStore], txn) => {
let oldETag
let oldUrl
let todo = 0
function checkFetched () {
if (++todo === 2) { // 2 requests made
function onFetched () {
if (oldETag === eTag && oldUrl === url) {
// check again within the transaction to guard against concurrency, e.g. multiple browser tabs
// delete old data
// insert new data
for (const data of transformedData) {
metaStore.put(eTag, KEY_ETAG)
metaStore.put(url, KEY_URL)
getIDB(metaStore, KEY_ETAG, result => {
oldETag = result
getIDB(metaStore, KEY_URL, result => {
oldUrl = result
performance.measure('commitAllData', 'commitAllData')
} finally {
performance.measure('loadData', 'loadData')
export async function getEmojiByGroup (db, group) {
return dbPromise(db, STORE_EMOJI, MODE_READONLY, (emojiStore, txn, cb) => {
const range = IDBKeyRange.bound([group, 0], [group + 1, 0], false, true)
getAllIDB(emojiStore.index(INDEX_GROUP_AND_ORDER), range, cb)
export async function getEmojiBySearchQuery (db, query) {
const tokens = normalizeTokens(extractTokens(query))
if (!tokens.length) {
return []
return dbPromise(db, STORE_EMOJI, MODE_READONLY, (emojiStore, txn, cb) => {
// get all results that contain all tokens (i.e. an AND query)
const intermediateResults = []
const checkDone = () => {
if (intermediateResults.length === tokens.length) {
const onDone = () => {
const results = findCommonMembers(intermediateResults, _ => _.unicode)
cb(results.sort((a, b) => a.order < b.order ? -1 : 1))
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
const token = tokens[i]
const range = i === tokens.length - 1
? IDBKeyRange.bound(token, token + '\uffff', false, true) // treat last token as a prefix search
: IDBKeyRange.only(token) // treat all other tokens as an exact match
getAllIDB(emojiStore.index(INDEX_TOKENS), range, result => {
// This could have been implemented as an IDB index on shortcodes, but it seemed wasteful to do that
// when we can already query by tokens and this will give us what we're looking for 99.9% of the time
export async function getEmojiByShortcode (db, shortcode) {
const emojis = await getEmojiBySearchQuery(db, shortcode)
// In very rare cases (e.g. the shortcode "v" as in "v for victory"), we cannot search because
// there are no usable tokens (too short in this case). In that case, we have to do an inefficient
// full-database scan, which I believe is an acceptable tradeoff for not having to have an extra
// index on shortcodes.
if (!emojis.length) {
const predicate = _ => ((_.shortcodes || []).includes(shortcode.toLowerCase()))
return (await doFullDatabaseScanForSingleResult(db, predicate)) || null
return emojis.filter(_ => {
const lowerShortcodes = (_.shortcodes || []).map(_ => _.toLowerCase())
return lowerShortcodes.includes(shortcode.toLowerCase())
})[0] || null
export async function getEmojiByUnicode (db, unicode) {
return dbPromise(db, STORE_EMOJI, MODE_READONLY, (emojiStore, txn, cb) => (
getIDB(emojiStore, unicode, result => {
if (result) {
return cb(result)
getIDB(emojiStore.index(INDEX_SKIN_UNICODE), unicode, result => cb(result || null))
export function get (db, storeName, key) {
return dbPromise(db, storeName, MODE_READONLY, (store, txn, cb) => (
getIDB(store, key, cb)
export function set (db, storeName, key, value) {
return dbPromise(db, storeName, MODE_READWRITE, (store, txn) => {
store.put(value, key)
export function incrementFavoriteEmojiCount (db, unicode) {
return dbPromise(db, STORE_FAVORITES, MODE_READWRITE, (store, txn) => (
getIDB(store, unicode, result => {
store.put((result || 0) + 1, unicode)
export function getTopFavoriteEmoji (db, customEmojiIndex, limit) {
if (limit === 0) {
return []
return dbPromise(db, [STORE_FAVORITES, STORE_EMOJI], MODE_READONLY, ([favoritesStore, emojiStore], txn, cb) => {
const results = []
favoritesStore.index(INDEX_COUNT).openCursor(undefined, 'prev').onsuccess = e => {
const cursor = e.target.result
if (!cursor) { // no more results
return cb(results)
function addResult (result) {
if (results.length === limit) {
return cb(results) // done, reached the limit
const unicodeOrName = cursor.primaryKey
const custom = customEmojiIndex.byName(unicodeOrName)
if (custom) {
return addResult(custom)
// This could be done in parallel (i.e. make the cursor and the get()s parallelized),
// but my testing suggests it's not actually faster.
getIDB(emojiStore, unicodeOrName, emoji => {
if (emoji) {
return addResult(emoji)
// emoji not found somehow, ignore (may happen if custom emoji change)