
135 lines
4.6 KiB

import {
waitFor, getAllByRole,
getByRole, fireEvent, queryAllByRole
} from '@testing-library/dom'
import { basicAfterEach, basicBeforeEach, tick, truncatedEmoji } from '../shared'
import Picker from '../../../src/picker/PickerElement'
import allData from 'emoji-picker-element-data/en/emojibase/data.json'
import { MOST_COMMONLY_USED_EMOJI } from '../../../src/picker/constants'
import { uniqBy } from '../../../src/shared/uniqBy'
import { groups } from '../../../src/picker/groups'
import { mockGetAndHead } from '../mockFetch.js'
const dataSource = 'with-favs.json'
describe('Favorites UI', () => {
let picker
let container
beforeEach(async () => {
const dataWithFavorites = uniqBy([
...allData.filter(_ => MOST_COMMONLY_USED_EMOJI.includes(_.emoji))
], _ => _.emoji)
mockGetAndHead(dataSource, dataWithFavorites, { headers: { ETag: 'W/favs' } })
picker = new Picker({ dataSource, locale: 'en' })
container = picker.shadowRoot.querySelector('.picker')
await tick(40)
afterEach(async () => {
await tick(40)
await tick(40)
await basicAfterEach()
async function remount () {
await tick(40)
await tick(40)
container = picker.shadowRoot
await tick(40)
test('Favorites UI basic test', async () => {
let favoritesBar = getByRole(container, 'menu', { name: 'Favorites' })
await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole(favoritesBar, 'menuitem')).toHaveLength(8))
expect(getAllByRole(favoritesBar, 'menuitem').map(_ => _.getAttribute('id').substring(4))).toStrictEqual(
await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole(container, 'menuitem', { name: /🤣/ })).toBeVisible())
fireEvent.click(getByRole(container, 'menuitem', { name: /🤣/ }))
// have to unmount/remount to force a favorites refresh
await remount()
favoritesBar = getByRole(container, 'menu', { name: 'Favorites' })
await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole(favoritesBar, 'menuitem')
.map(_ => _.getAttribute('id').substring(4))).toStrictEqual([
test('Favorites with custom emoji', async () => {
const transparent = ''
const black = ''
const customEmoji = [
name: 'transparent',
shortcodes: ['transparent'],
url: transparent
name: 'black',
shortcodes: ['black'],
url: black
await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole(container, 'tab')).toHaveLength(groups.length))
// when setting custom emoji, they can appear in the favorites
await tick(40)
picker.customEmoji = customEmoji
await tick(40)
await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole(container, 'tab')).toHaveLength(groups.length + 1))
expect(getByRole(container, 'tab', { name: 'Custom', selected: true })).toBeVisible()
await tick(40)
await waitFor(() => expect(queryAllByRole(container, 'menuitem', { name: /transparent/i })).toHaveLength(1), {
timeout: 5000
await waitFor(() => expect(getByRole(container, 'menuitem', { name: /transparent/i })).toBeVisible(), {
timeout: 3000
fireEvent.click(getByRole(container, 'menuitem', { name: /transparent/i }))
fireEvent.click(getByRole(container, 'menuitem', { name: /black/i }))
// have to unmount/remount to force a favorites refresh
await remount()
await waitFor(
() => expect(getByRole(getByRole(container, 'menu', { name: 'Favorites' }), 'menuitem', { name: /transparent/i })).toBeVisible
await waitFor(
() => expect(getByRole(getByRole(container, 'menu', { name: 'Favorites' }), 'menuitem', { name: /black/i })).toBeVisible
// when setting custom emoji back to [], the favorites bar removes the custom emoji
picker.customEmoji = []
await waitFor(() => expect(getAllByRole(container, 'tab')).toHaveLength(groups.length))
await waitFor(
() => expect(queryAllByRole(getByRole(container, 'menu', { name: 'Favorites' }), 'menuitem', { name: /transparent/i })).toHaveLength(0)
await waitFor(
() => expect(queryAllByRole(getByRole(container, 'menu', { name: 'Favorites' }), 'menuitem', { name: /black/i })).toHaveLength(0)