
737 lines
24 KiB

/* eslint-disable prefer-const,no-labels,no-inner-declarations */
import { groups as defaultGroups, allGroups as groupsWithCustom } from '../../groups'
import { MIN_SEARCH_TEXT_LENGTH, NUM_SKIN_TONES } from '../../../shared/constants'
import { requestIdleCallback } from '../../utils/requestIdleCallback'
import { hasZwj } from '../../utils/hasZwj'
import { detectEmojiSupportLevel, supportedZwjEmojis } from '../../utils/emojiSupport'
import { applySkinTone } from '../../utils/applySkinTone'
import { halt } from '../../utils/halt'
import { incrementOrDecrement } from '../../utils/incrementOrDecrement'
import {
} from '../../constants'
import { uniqBy } from '../../../shared/uniqBy'
import { summarizeEmojisForUI } from '../../utils/summarizeEmojisForUI'
import { calculateWidth } from '../../utils/widthCalculator'
import { checkZwjSupport } from '../../utils/checkZwjSupport'
import { requestPostAnimationFrame } from '../../utils/requestPostAnimationFrame'
import { requestAnimationFrame } from '../../utils/requestAnimationFrame'
import { uniq } from '../../../shared/uniq'
import { resetScrollTopIfPossible } from '../../utils/resetScrollTopIfPossible.js'
import { render } from './PickerTemplate.js'
import { createState } from './reactivity.js'
import { arraysAreEqualByFunction } from '../../utils/arraysAreEqualByFunction.js'
// constants
const EMPTY_ARRAY = []
const { assign } = Object
export function createRoot (target, props) {
const refs = {}
const abortController = new AbortController()
const abortSignal = abortController.signal
const { state, createEffect } = createState(abortSignal)
// initial state
assign(state, {
skinToneEmoji: undefined,
i18n: undefined,
database: undefined,
customEmoji: undefined,
customCategorySorting: undefined,
emojiVersion: undefined
// public props
assign(state, props)
// private props
assign(state, {
initialLoad: true,
currentEmojis: [],
currentEmojisWithCategories: [],
rawSearchText: '',
searchText: '',
searchMode: false,
activeSearchItem: -1,
message: undefined,
skinTonePickerExpanded: false,
skinTonePickerExpandedAfterAnimation: false,
currentSkinTone: 0,
activeSkinTone: 0,
skinToneButtonText: undefined,
pickerStyle: undefined,
skinToneButtonLabel: '',
skinTones: [],
currentFavorites: [],
defaultFavoriteEmojis: undefined,
isRtl: false,
scrollbarWidth: 0,
currentGroupIndex: 0,
groups: defaultGroups,
databaseLoaded: false,
activeSearchItemId: undefined
// Update the current group based on the currentGroupIndex
createEffect(() => {
if (state.currentGroup !== state.groups[state.currentGroupIndex]) {
state.currentGroup = state.groups[state.currentGroupIndex]
// Utils/helpers
const focus = id => {
// fire a custom event that crosses the shadow boundary
const fireEvent = (name, detail) => {
refs.rootElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(name, {
bubbles: true,
composed: true
// Comparison utils
const compareEmojiArrays = (a, b) => a.id === b.id
const compareCurrentEmojisWithCategories = (a, b) => {
const { category: aCategory, emojis: aEmojis } = a
const { category: bCategory, emojis: bEmojis } = b
if (aCategory !== bCategory) {
return false
return arraysAreEqualByFunction(aEmojis, bEmojis, compareEmojiArrays)
// Update utils to avoid excessive re-renders
// avoid excessive re-renders by checking the value before setting
const updateCurrentEmojis = (newEmojis) => {
if (!arraysAreEqualByFunction(state.currentEmojis, newEmojis, compareEmojiArrays)) {
state.currentEmojis = newEmojis
// avoid excessive re-renders
const updateSearchMode = (newSearchMode) => {
if (state.searchMode !== newSearchMode) {
state.searchMode = newSearchMode
// avoid excessive re-renders
const updateCurrentEmojisWithCategories = (newEmojisWithCategories) => {
if (!arraysAreEqualByFunction(state.currentEmojisWithCategories, newEmojisWithCategories, compareCurrentEmojisWithCategories)) {
state.currentEmojisWithCategories = newEmojisWithCategories
// Helpers used by PickerTemplate
const unicodeWithSkin = (emoji, currentSkinTone) => (
(currentSkinTone && emoji.skins && emoji.skins[currentSkinTone]) || emoji.unicode
const labelWithSkin = (emoji, currentSkinTone) => (
(emoji.name || unicodeWithSkin(emoji, currentSkinTone)),
...(emoji.shortcodes || EMPTY_ARRAY)
].filter(Boolean)).join(', ')
const titleForEmoji = (emoji) => (
emoji.annotation || (emoji.shortcodes || EMPTY_ARRAY).join(', ')
const helpers = {
labelWithSkin, titleForEmoji, unicodeWithSkin
const events = {
const actions = {
createEffect(() => {
render(target, state, helpers, events, actions, refs, abortSignal)
// Determine the emoji support level (in requestIdleCallback)
// mount logic
if (!state.emojiVersion) {
detectEmojiSupportLevel().then(level => {
// Can't actually test emoji support in Jest/JSDom, emoji never render in color in Cairo
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (!level) {
state.message = state.i18n.emojiUnsupportedMessage
// Set or update the database object
createEffect(() => {
// show a Loading message if it takes a long time, or show an error if there's a network/IDB error
async function handleDatabaseLoading () {
let showingLoadingMessage = false
const timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => {
showingLoadingMessage = true
state.message = state.i18n.loadingMessage
try {
await state.database.ready()
state.databaseLoaded = true // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
} catch (err) {
state.message = state.i18n.networkErrorMessage
} finally {
if (showingLoadingMessage) { // Seems safer than checking the i18n string, which may change
showingLoadingMessage = false
state.message = '' // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
if (state.database) {
/* no await */
// Global styles for the entire picker
createEffect(() => {
state.pickerStyle = `
--num-groups: ${state.groups.length};
--indicator-opacity: ${state.searchMode ? 0 : 1};
--num-skintones: ${NUM_SKIN_TONES};`
// Set or update the customEmoji
createEffect(() => {
if (state.customEmoji && state.database) {
console.log('updating custom emoji')
updateCustomEmoji() // re-run whenever customEmoji change
createEffect(() => {
if (state.customEmoji && state.customEmoji.length) {
if (state.groups !== groupsWithCustom) { // don't update unnecessarily
state.groups = groupsWithCustom
} else if (state.groups !== defaultGroups) {
if (state.currentGroupIndex) {
// If the current group is anything other than "custom" (which is first), decrement.
// This fixes the odd case where you set customEmoji, then pick a category, then unset customEmoji
state.groups = defaultGroups
// Set or update the preferred skin tone
createEffect(() => {
async function updatePreferredSkinTone () {
if (state.databaseLoaded) {
state.currentSkinTone = await state.database.getPreferredSkinTone()
/* no await */ updatePreferredSkinTone()
createEffect(() => {
console.log('setting skinTones')
state.skinTones = Array(NUM_SKIN_TONES).fill().map((_, i) => applySkinTone(state.skinToneEmoji, i))
createEffect(() => {
console.log('setting skinToneButtonText')
state.skinToneButtonText = state.skinTones[state.currentSkinTone]
createEffect(() => {
state.skinToneButtonLabel = state.i18n.skinToneLabel.replace('{skinTone}', state.i18n.skinTones[state.currentSkinTone])
// Set or update the favorites emojis
createEffect(() => {
async function updateDefaultFavoriteEmojis () {
const { database } = state
const favs = (await Promise.all(MOST_COMMONLY_USED_EMOJI.map(unicode => (
)))).filter(Boolean) // filter because in Jest tests we don't have all the emoji in the DB
state.defaultFavoriteEmojis = favs
if (state.databaseLoaded) {
/* no await */ updateDefaultFavoriteEmojis()
function updateCustomEmoji () {
// Certain effects have an implicit dependency on customEmoji since it affects the database
// Getting it here on the database ensures this effect re-runs when customEmoji change.
// Setting it on the database is pointless but prevents this code from being removed by a minifier.
state.database.customEmoji = state.customEmoji || EMPTY_ARRAY
createEffect(() => {
async function updateFavorites () {
updateCustomEmoji() // re-run whenever customEmoji change
const { database, defaultFavoriteEmojis, numColumns } = state
const dbFavorites = await database.getTopFavoriteEmoji(numColumns)
const favorites = await summarizeEmojis(uniqBy([
], _ => (_.unicode || _.name)).slice(0, numColumns))
state.currentFavorites = favorites
if (state.databaseLoaded && state.defaultFavoriteEmojis) {
/* no await */ updateFavorites()
// Calculate the width of the emoji grid. This serves two purposes:
// 1) Re-calculate the --num-columns var because it may have changed
// 2) Re-calculate the scrollbar width because it may have changed
// (i.e. because the number of items changed)
// 3) Re-calculate whether we're in RTL mode or not.
// The benefit of doing this in one place is to align with rAF/ResizeObserver
// and do all the calculations in one go. RTL vs LTR is not strictly width-related,
// but since we're already reading the style here, and since it's already aligned with
// the rAF loop, this is the most appropriate place to do it perf-wise.
function calculateEmojiGridStyle (node) {
calculateWidth(node, abortSignal, width => {
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') { // jsdom throws errors for this kind of fancy stuff
// read all the style/layout calculations we need to make
const style = getComputedStyle(refs.rootElement)
const newNumColumns = parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('--num-columns'), 10)
const newIsRtl = style.getPropertyValue('direction') === 'rtl'
const parentWidth = node.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect().width
const newScrollbarWidth = parentWidth - width
// write to state variables
state.numColumns = newNumColumns
state.scrollbarWidth = newScrollbarWidth // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
state.isRtl = newIsRtl // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// Set or update the currentEmojis. Check for invalid ZWJ renderings
// (i.e. double emoji).
createEffect(() => {
async function updateEmojis () {
const { searchText, currentGroup, databaseLoaded, customEmoji } = state
if (!databaseLoaded) {
state.currentEmojis = []
state.searchMode = false
} else if (searchText.length >= MIN_SEARCH_TEXT_LENGTH) {
const newEmojis = await getEmojisBySearchQuery(searchText)
if (state.searchText === searchText) { // if the situation changes asynchronously, do not update
} else {
const { id: currentGroupId } = currentGroup
// avoid race condition where currentGroupId is -1 and customEmoji is undefined/empty
if (currentGroupId !== -1 || (customEmoji && customEmoji.length)) {
const newEmojis = await getEmojisByGroup(currentGroupId)
if (state.currentGroup.id === currentGroupId) { // if the situation changes asynchronously, do not update
/* no await */ updateEmojis()
// Some emojis have their ligatures rendered as two or more consecutive emojis
// We want to treat these the same as unsupported emojis, so we compare their
// widths against the baseline widths and remove them as necessary
createEffect(() => {
const { currentEmojis, emojiVersion } = state
const zwjEmojisToCheck = currentEmojis
.filter(emoji => emoji.unicode) // filter custom emoji
.filter(emoji => hasZwj(emoji) && !supportedZwjEmojis.has(emoji.unicode))
if (!emojiVersion && zwjEmojisToCheck.length) {
// render now, check their length later
requestAnimationFrame(() => checkZwjSupportAndUpdate(zwjEmojisToCheck))
} else {
const newEmojis = emojiVersion ? currentEmojis : currentEmojis.filter(isZwjSupported)
// Reset scroll top to 0 when emojis change
requestAnimationFrame(() => resetScrollTopIfPossible(refs.tabpanelElement))
function checkZwjSupportAndUpdate (zwjEmojisToCheck) {
const shadowRootNode = refs.rootElement.getRootNode()
const emojiToDomNode = emoji => shadowRootNode.getElementById(`emo-${emoji.id}`)
checkZwjSupport(zwjEmojisToCheck, refs.baselineEmoji, emojiToDomNode)
// force update
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign
state.currentEmojis = state.currentEmojis
function isZwjSupported (emoji) {
return !emoji.unicode || !hasZwj(emoji) || supportedZwjEmojis.get(emoji.unicode)
async function filterEmojisByVersion (emojis) {
const emojiSupportLevel = state.emojiVersion || await detectEmojiSupportLevel()
// !version corresponds to custom emoji
return emojis.filter(({ version }) => !version || version <= emojiSupportLevel)
async function summarizeEmojis (emojis) {
return summarizeEmojisForUI(emojis, state.emojiVersion || await detectEmojiSupportLevel())
async function getEmojisByGroup (group) {
console.log('getEmojiByGroup', group)
// -1 is custom emoji
const emoji = group === -1 ? state.customEmoji : await state.database.getEmojiByGroup(group)
return summarizeEmojis(await filterEmojisByVersion(emoji))
async function getEmojisBySearchQuery (query) {
return summarizeEmojis(await filterEmojisByVersion(await state.database.getEmojiBySearchQuery(query)))
createEffect(() => {
// consider initialLoad to be complete when the first tabpanel and favorites are rendered
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' || process.env.PERF) {
if (state.currentEmojis.length && state.currentFavorites.length && state.initialLoad) {
state.initialLoad = false
requestPostAnimationFrame(() => performance.measure('initialLoad', 'initialLoad'))
// Derive currentEmojisWithCategories from currentEmojis. This is always done even if there
// are no categories, because it's just easier to code the HTML this way.
createEffect(() => {
function calculateCurrentEmojisWithCategories () {
const { searchMode, currentEmojis } = state
if (searchMode) {
return [
category: '',
emojis: currentEmojis
const categoriesToEmoji = new Map()
for (const emoji of currentEmojis) {
const category = emoji.category || ''
let emojis = categoriesToEmoji.get(category)
if (!emojis) {
emojis = []
categoriesToEmoji.set(category, emojis)
return [...categoriesToEmoji.entries()]
.map(([category, emojis]) => ({ category, emojis }))
.sort((a, b) => state.customCategorySorting(a.category, b.category))
const newEmojisWithCategories = calculateCurrentEmojisWithCategories()
// Handle active search item (i.e. pressing up or down while searching)
createEffect(() => {
state.activeSearchItemId = state.activeSearchItem !== -1 && state.currentEmojis[state.activeSearchItem].id
// Handle user input on the search input
createEffect(() => {
const { rawSearchText } = state
requestIdleCallback(() => {
state.searchText = (rawSearchText || '').trim() // defer to avoid input delays, plus we can trim here
state.activeSearchItem = -1
function onSearchKeydown (event) {
if (!state.searchMode || !state.currentEmojis.length) {
const goToNextOrPrevious = (previous) => {
state.activeSearchItem = incrementOrDecrement(previous, state.activeSearchItem, state.currentEmojis)
switch (event.key) {
case 'ArrowDown':
return goToNextOrPrevious(false)
case 'ArrowUp':
return goToNextOrPrevious(true)
case 'Enter':
if (state.activeSearchItem === -1) {
// focus the first option in the list since the list must be non-empty at this point (it's verified above)
state.activeSearchItem = 0
} else { // there is already an active search item
return clickEmoji(state.currentEmojis[state.activeSearchItem].id)
// Handle user input on nav
function onNavClick (event) {
const { target } = event
const closestTarget = target.closest('.nav-button')
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!closestTarget) {
return // This should never happen, but makes me nervous not to have it
const groupId = parseInt(closestTarget.dataset.groupId, 10)
refs.searchElement.value = '' // clear search box input
state.rawSearchText = ''
state.searchText = ''
state.activeSearchItem = -1
state.currentGroupIndex = state.groups.findIndex(_ => _.id === groupId)
function onNavKeydown (event) {
const { target, key } = event
const doFocus = el => {
if (el) {
switch (key) {
case 'ArrowLeft':
return doFocus(target.previousElementSibling)
case 'ArrowRight':
return doFocus(target.nextElementSibling)
case 'Home':
return doFocus(target.parentElement.firstElementChild)
case 'End':
return doFocus(target.parentElement.lastElementChild)
// Handle user input on an emoji
async function clickEmoji (unicodeOrName) {
const emoji = await state.database.getEmojiByUnicodeOrName(unicodeOrName)
const emojiSummary = [...state.currentEmojis, ...state.currentFavorites]
.find(_ => (_.id === unicodeOrName))
const skinTonedUnicode = emojiSummary.unicode && unicodeWithSkin(emojiSummary, state.currentSkinTone)
await state.database.incrementFavoriteEmojiCount(unicodeOrName)
fireEvent('emoji-click', {
skinTone: state.currentSkinTone,
...(skinTonedUnicode && { unicode: skinTonedUnicode }),
...(emojiSummary.name && { name: emojiSummary.name })
async function onEmojiClick (event) {
const { target } = event
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!target.classList.contains('emoji')) {
// This should never happen, but makes me nervous not to have it
const id = target.id.substring(4) // replace 'emo-' or 'fav-' prefix
/* no await */ clickEmoji(id)
// Handle user input on the skintone picker
function changeSkinTone (skinTone) {
state.currentSkinTone = skinTone
state.skinTonePickerExpanded = false
fireEvent('skin-tone-change', { skinTone })
/* no await */ state.database.setPreferredSkinTone(skinTone)
function onSkinToneOptionsClick (event) {
const { target: { id } } = event
const match = id && id.match(/^skintone-(\d)/) // skintone option format
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (!match) { // not a skintone option
return // This should never happen, but makes me nervous not to have it
const skinTone = parseInt(match[1], 10) // remove 'skintone-' prefix
function onClickSkinToneButton (event) {
state.skinTonePickerExpanded = !state.skinTonePickerExpanded
state.activeSkinTone = state.currentSkinTone
// this should always be true, since the button is obscured by the listbox, so this `if` is just to be sure
if (state.skinTonePickerExpanded) {
requestAnimationFrame(() => focus('skintone-list'))
// To make the animation nicer, change the z-index of the skintone picker button
// *after* the animation has played. This makes it appear that the picker box
// is expanding "below" the button
createEffect(() => {
if (state.skinTonePickerExpanded) {
refs.skinToneDropdown.addEventListener('transitionend', () => {
state.skinTonePickerExpandedAfterAnimation = true // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
}, { once: true })
} else {
state.skinTonePickerExpandedAfterAnimation = false // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
function onSkinToneOptionsKeydown (event) {
const changeActiveSkinTone = async nextSkinTone => {
state.activeSkinTone = nextSkinTone
switch (event.key) {
case 'ArrowUp':
return changeActiveSkinTone(incrementOrDecrement(true, state.activeSkinTone, state.skinTones))
case 'ArrowDown':
return changeActiveSkinTone(incrementOrDecrement(false, state.activeSkinTone, state.skinTones))
case 'Home':
return changeActiveSkinTone(0)
case 'End':
return changeActiveSkinTone(state.skinTones.length - 1)
case 'Enter':
// enter on keydown, space on keyup. this is just how browsers work for buttons
// https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/2019JanMar/0086.html
return changeSkinTone(state.activeSkinTone)
case 'Escape':
state.skinTonePickerExpanded = false
return focus('skintone-button')
function onSkinToneOptionsKeyup (event) {
switch (event.key) {
case ' ':
// enter on keydown, space on keyup. this is just how browsers work for buttons
// https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/2019JanMar/0086.html
return changeSkinTone(state.activeSkinTone)
async function onSkinToneOptionsFocusOut (event) {
// On blur outside of the skintone listbox, collapse the skintone picker.
const { relatedTarget } = event
// The `else` should never happen, but makes me nervous not to have it
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (!relatedTarget || relatedTarget.id !== 'skintone-list') {
state.skinTonePickerExpanded = false
function onSearchInput (event) {
state.rawSearchText = event.target.value
return {
$set (newState) {
assign(state, newState)
$destroy () {
console.log('Component destroyed')