
29 lines
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import { calculateTextWidth } from './calculateTextWidth'
import { supportedZwjEmojis } from './emojiSupport'
let baselineEmojiWidth
export function checkZwjSupport (zwjEmojisToCheck, baselineEmoji, emojiToDomNode) {
for (const emoji of zwjEmojisToCheck) {
const domNode = emojiToDomNode(emoji)
const emojiWidth = calculateTextWidth(domNode)
if (typeof baselineEmojiWidth === 'undefined') { // calculate the baseline emoji width only once
baselineEmojiWidth = calculateTextWidth(baselineEmoji)
// On Windows, some supported emoji are ~50% bigger than the baseline emoji, but what we really want to guard
// against are the ones that are 2x the size, because those are truly broken (person with red hair = person with
// floating red wig, black cat = cat with black square, polar bear = bear with snowflake, etc.)
// So here we set the threshold at 1.8 times the size of the baseline emoji.
const supported = emojiWidth / 1.8 < baselineEmojiWidth
supportedZwjEmojis.set(emoji.unicode, supported)
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (!supported) {
console.log('Filtered unsupported emoji', emoji.unicode, emojiWidth, baselineEmojiWidth)
} else if (emojiWidth !== baselineEmojiWidth) {
console.log('Allowed borderline emoji', emoji.unicode, emojiWidth, baselineEmojiWidth)
performance.measure('checkZwjSupport', 'checkZwjSupport')