Patch merge conflit on master

This commit is contained in:
Shadow15510 2021-06-05 20:18:32 +02:00
parent 892d92c38f
commit d14acb8ff9
3 changed files with 3 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ int next_frame(struct game *current_game)
// Infect the plane
if (current_game->[current_game->planes[i]->x + current_game->planes[i]->y * current_game->grid.width] == 1 && current_game->mutations_selected[2] == 4) current_game->planes[i]->is_infected = 1;
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> 495d11fabf82a4924f31a1eaf183f97b3cf4fd02
@ -70,13 +65,10 @@ int next_frame(struct game *current_game)
// Update the game
current_game->dna = current_game->dna + 1 + floor(current_game->severity / 10);
if (current_game->dna > 30) current_game->dna = 30;
<<<<<<< HEAD
current_game->research += current_game->priority;
if (current_game->research > current_game->limit) current_game->research = current_game->limit;
if (current_game->research < current_game->limit) current_game->research += current_game->priority;
>>>>>>> 495d11fabf82a4924f31a1eaf183f97b3cf4fd02
// Check the end of the game

View File

@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ void mutation_select(struct game *current_game, const int mutation_menu)
end = mutation_buy(current_game, c, mutation_menu, table);
<<<<<<< HEAD
if (key == KEY_LEFT) c.x = c.x - 1;
if (key == KEY_RIGHT) c.x = (c.x + 1) % 8;
if (key == KEY_UP) c.y = c.y - 1;
@ -88,13 +87,8 @@ void mutation_select(struct game *current_game, const int mutation_menu)
if (c.x < 0) c.x = 7;
if (c.y < 0) c.y = 3;
if (key == KEY_LEFT && c.x > 0) c.x = (c.x - 1) % 8;
if (key == KEY_RIGHT && c.x < 7) c.x = (c.x + 1) % 8;
if (key == KEY_UP && c.y > 0) c.y = (c.y - 1) % 4;
if (key == KEY_DOWN && c.y < 3) c.y = (c.y + 1) % 4;
>>>>>>> 495d11fabf82a4924f31a1eaf183f97b3cf4fd02
if (t >= 0) timer_stop(t);
@ -140,21 +134,8 @@ int mutation_buy(struct game *current_game, const struct cursor c, const int mut
// Update
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
current_game->priority += ceil((mutation_data->severity + mutation_data->lethality)/8);
<<<<<<< HEAD
current_game->priority += ceil((mutation_data->severity + mutation_data->lethality)/10);
>>>>>>> 495d11fabf82a4924f31a1eaf183f97b3cf4fd02
const char *msg[5] = {"mutation", "achetee", "", "", ""};
current_game->priority += ceil((mutation_data->severity + mutation_data->lethality) / 10);
>>>>>>> dev
>>>>>>> dev
else message("ACHAT IMPOSSIBLE");
@ -188,11 +169,7 @@ void update_disease(struct game *current_game)
// research parameter
current_game->limit = RESEARCH_LIMIT + symptom->changement + ability->changement + transmission->changement;
<<<<<<< HEAD
if (current_game->research > current_game->limit) current_game->research = current_game->limit;
>>>>>>> 495d11fabf82a4924f31a1eaf183f97b3cf4fd02

View File

@ -4,12 +4,6 @@
#include "save.h"
/* BUG
Démarrer le jeu, quitter, revenir sur le jeu, quitter -> la calto plante
=> Premier démarrage du jeu : ok (valeur par défaut bien initialisée)
=> Quand on revient sur le jeu, pas de problème : tout est sauvé correctement (sauvé correctement et chargé correctement)
=> On quitte : bug
// Name of the savefile
static const uint16_t *filename = u"\\\\fls0\\Plague.sav";