fxconv: support Unicode in topti fonts (WIP)

This commit changes the output structure of topti to a format that
supports arbitrary Unicode blocks, but still only accepts the fixed set
of charsets that was defined before.
This commit is contained in:
Lephenixnoir 2020-07-14 12:25:39 +02:00
parent bd49e9506e
commit 77c277721f
Signed by untrusted user: Lephenixnoir
GPG Key ID: 1BBA026E13FC0495
1 changed files with 92 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -119,10 +119,12 @@ LIBIMG_FLAG_RO = 2
class Charset:
def __init__(self, id, name, count):
self.id = id
def __init__(self, name, blocks):
self.name = name
self.count = count
self.blocks = blocks
def count(self):
return sum(length for start, length in self.blocks)
def find(name):
@ -134,17 +136,17 @@ class Charset:
# Digits 0...9
Charset(0x0, "numeric", 10),
Charset("numeric", [ (ord('0'), 10) ]),
# Uppercase letters A...Z
Charset(0x1, "upper", 26),
Charset("upper", [ (ord('A'), 26) ]),
# Upper and lowercase letters A..Z, a..z
Charset(0x2, "alpha", 52),
Charset("alpha", [ (ord('A'), 26), (ord('a'), 26) ]),
# Letters and digits A..Z, a..z, 0..9
Charset(0x3, "alnum", 62),
Charset("alnum", [ (ord('A'), 26), (ord('a'), 26), (ord('0'), 10) ]),
# All printable characters from 0x20 to 0x7e
Charset(0x4, "print", 95),
Charset("print", [ (0x20, 95) ]),
# All 128 ASII characters
Charset(0x5, "ascii", 128),
Charset("ascii", [ (0x00, 128) ]),
@ -250,6 +252,15 @@ class Grid:
y = b + r * (H + b) + p
yield (x, y, x + w, y + h)
# Helpers
def _encode_word(x):
return bytes([ (x >> 8) & 255, x & 255 ])
def _encode_long(x):
return bytes([ (x >> 24) & 255, (x >> 16) & 255, (x >> 8) & 255, x & 255 ])
# Binary conversion
@ -407,14 +418,6 @@ def _trim(img):
return img.crop((left, 0, right, img.height))
def _align(seq, align):
n = (align - len(seq)) % align
return seq + bytearray(n)
def _pad(seq, length):
n = max(0, length - len(seq))
return seq + bytearray(n)
def convert_topti(input, output, params, target):
@ -442,24 +445,22 @@ def convert_topti(input, output, params, target):
if "charset" not in params:
raise FxconvError("'charset' attribute is required and missing")
charset = Charset.find(params["charset"])
charset_name = params["charset"]
charset = Charset.find(charset_name)
if charset is None:
raise FxconvError(f"unknown character set '{charset}'")
if charset.count > grid.size(img):
raise FxconvError(f"unknown character set '{charset_name}'")
if charset.count() > grid.size(img):
raise FxconvError(f"not enough elements in grid (got {grid.size(img)}, "+
f"need {charset.count} for '{charset.name}')")
f"need {charset.count()} for '{charset.name}')")
blocks = charset.blocks
# Proportionality and metadata
proportional = (params.get("proportional", "false") == "true")
title = params.get("title", "")
if len(title) > 31:
raise FxconvError(f"font title {title} is too long (max. 31 bytes)")
# Pad title to 4 bytes
title = bytes(title, "utf-8") + bytes(((4 - len(title) % 4) % 4) * [0])
title = bytes(params.get("title", ""), "utf-8") + bytes([0])
flags = set(params.get("flags", "").split(","))
@ -472,15 +473,21 @@ def convert_topti(input, output, params, target):
italic = int("italic" in flags)
serif = int("serif" in flags)
mono = int("mono" in flags)
header = bytes([
(len(title) << 3) | (bold << 2) | (italic << 1) | serif,
(mono << 7) | (int(proportional) << 6) | (charset.id & 0xf),
params.get("height", grid.h),
encode16bit = lambda x: bytes([ x >> 8, x & 255 ])
fixed_header = encode16bit(grid.w) + encode16bit((grid.w*grid.h + 31) >> 5)
flags = (bold << 7) | (italic << 6) | (serif << 5) | (mono << 4) \
| int(proportional)
# Default line height to glyph height
line_height = params.get("height", grid.h)
# Encoding blocks
def encode_block(b):
start, length = b
return _encode_long((start << 12) | length)
data_blocks = b''.join(encode_block(b) for b in blocks)
# Encoding glyphs
@ -488,20 +495,20 @@ def convert_topti(input, output, params, target):
data_glyphs = []
total_glyphs = 0
data_widths = bytearray()
data_width = bytearray()
data_index = bytearray()
for (number, region) in enumerate(grid.iter(img)):
# Upate index
if not (number % 8):
idx = total_glyphs // 4
data_index += encode16bit(idx)
data_index += _encode_word(idx)
# Get glyph area
glyph = img.crop(region)
if proportional:
glyph = _trim(glyph)
length = 4 * ((glyph.width * glyph.height + 31) >> 5)
bits = bytearray(length)
@ -523,14 +530,55 @@ def convert_topti(input, output, params, target):
# Object file generation
# In the data section, first put the raw data and blocks (4-aligned), then
# the index (2-aligned), then the glyph size array and font name
# (1-aligned). This avoids any additional alingment/padding issues.
if proportional:
data_index = _pad(data_index, 32)
data_widths = _align(data_widths, 4)
data = header + data_index + data_widths + data_glyphs + title
data = header + fixed_header + data_glyphs + title
data = data_glyphs + data_blocks + data_index + data_width + title
off_blocks = len(data_glyphs)
off_index = off_blocks + len(data_blocks)
off_width = off_index + len(data_index)
off_title = off_width + len(data_width)
elf(data, output, "_" + params["name"], **target)
assembly2 = f"""
.long _{params["name"]}_data + {off_index}
.long _{params["name"]}_data + {off_width}
# For fixed-width fonts, just put the glyph data and tht font title
data = data_glyphs + data_blocks + title
off_blocks = len(data_glyphs)
off_title = off_blocks + len(data_blocks)
assembly2 = f"""
.word {grid.w}
.word {(grid.w * grid.h + 31) >> 5}
# Make the title pointer NUL if no title is specified
if len(title) > 1:
ref_title = f'_{params["name"]}_data + {off_title}'
ref_title = '0'
# Header followed by the proportional of fixed subheader
assembly = f"""
.section .rodata
.global _{params["name"]}
.long {ref_title}
.byte {flags}
.byte {line_height}
.byte {grid.h}
.byte {len(blocks)}
.long {charset.count()}
.long _{params["name"]}_data + {off_blocks}
.long _{params["name"]}_data
""" + assembly2
dataname = "_{}_data".format(params["name"])
elf(data, output, dataname, assembly=assembly, **target)
# libimg conversion for fx-9860G