# KBLE, a KeyBoard driven Level Editor A work in progress level editor with extensive keyboard support. Designed for tile based 2D platformers. This is a work in progress program in unusable state. # Short term design decisions Subject to change. * Efficiency, simplicity and clarity are key goals. * Fully keyboard driven modal editing. Mouse support is secondary. * GUI software made in [Zig](https://ziglang.org/) with [raylib](https://www.raylib.com/). * Configurable (format unknown). # Build instructions Build requirements: [Zig](https://ziglang.org/download/) master branch, [raylib](https://www.raylib.com). For Arch users, `zig-git` is available in the AUR. ```sh $ # Clone this repository $ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~kikoodx/kble && cd kble $ zig build run ``` Press escape to close the program. # Default keybindings Movement: * `h`: left * `j`: down * `k`: up * `l`: right * `y`: up-left * `u`: up-right * `b`: down-left * `n`: down-right Verbs: * ``: clear selection * `d`: delete selection * `r`: replace selection * `+`: increase scale (zoom) * `-`: decrease scale (dezoom) * `=`: reset scale File (read/write): * `e`: load level contained in `sample.kble` * `w`: write level to `sample.kble` *See `kbleformat.md` for technical informations.* Modes: * ``: normal mode, default * `i`: free selection mode * `v`: rectangle selection mode * `c`: camera mode [not implemented] # Mouse control Right click and left click are the same, except right click reset selection before taking effect. * Click: free selection. * Shift + Click: rectangle selection. * Click while selecting: end selection. # License Copyright (c) 2021 KikooDX This project is under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.