// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright (c) 2021 KikooDX // This file is part of [KBLE](https://sr.ht/~kikoodx/kble), which is // MIT licensed. The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be // included in all copies and substantial portions of the software. const ray = @cImport({ @cInclude("raylib.h"); }); const std = @import("std"); const assert = std.debug.assert; const format = std.fmt.format; const log = std.log.default.debug; const maxInt = std.math.maxInt; const Level = @import("level.zig"); const Vec2 = @import("vec2.zig"); const movement = @import("movement.zig"); pub fn main() !void { // Create allocator var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const allocator = &arena.allocator; // Create window. ray.SetConfigFlags(ray.FLAG_WINDOW_RESIZABLE); ray.InitWindow(640, 480, "KBLE"); defer ray.CloseWindow(); // Limit FPS for performance. ray.SetTargetFPS(60); // Create level. var level: Level = try Level.init(allocator, 16, 16); defer level.deinit(allocator); // Create camera. var camera: Vec2 = Vec2.init(0, 0); // Scale, used by drawing code. const scale_type = u16; const scale_default = 16; var scale: scale_type = scale_default; // Create cursor. var cursor: Vec2 = Vec2.init(0, 0); // Create input buffer (ASCII). const input_buffer_len = 255; var input_buffer: [input_buffer_len]u32 = undefined; comptime { var i: u8 = 0; while (i < input_buffer_len) : (i += 1) { input_buffer[i] = 0; } } var input_cursor: u8 = 0; while (!ray.WindowShouldClose()) { // Get keyboard input. var key = ray.GetCharPressed(); // Check if more characters have been pressed. while (key != 0) { // Add key to buffer. input_buffer[input_cursor] = @intCast(u32, key); input_cursor += 1; // Avoid writing out of memory. if (input_cursor >= input_buffer_len) input_cursor = input_buffer_len - 1; key = ray.GetCharPressed(); } // Process buffer content. // Read the buffer backwards. This is placeholder logic. while (input_cursor > 0) { input_cursor -= 1; const action = input_buffer[input_cursor]; const movement_command = switch (action) { 'A'...'Z' => action - 'A' + 'a', else => action, }; const was_lowercase: bool = movement_command == action; // Check for movement. const selection_update: movement.SelectionUpdate = switch (movement_command) { // Movement. 'h' => movement.move_left(&cursor, 1, was_lowercase), 'j' => movement.move_down(&cursor, 1, was_lowercase), 'k' => movement.move_up(&cursor, 1, was_lowercase), 'l' => movement.move_right(&cursor, 1, was_lowercase), // Diagonals and rectangle selection. 'y' => movement.move_up_left(&cursor, 1, was_lowercase), 'u' => movement.move_up_right(&cursor, 1, was_lowercase), 'b' => movement.move_down_left(&cursor, 1, was_lowercase), 'n' => movement.move_down_right(&cursor, 1, was_lowercase), else => blk: { break :blk movement.SelectionUpdate{ .active = false, .area = undefined, .exclusive = undefined, .state = undefined, }; }, }; if (selection_update.active) { level.apply_selection_update(selection_update); } else { // If didn't input movement, check for action. switch (action) { // Actions. 'd' => level.action_delete(), // Zoom (pog feature). '-' => if (scale > 3) { scale -= 1; }, '+' => if (scale < comptime maxInt(scale_type)) { scale += 1; }, // Reset zoom. '=' => scale = scale_default, else => log("No action for {} key.", .{action}), } } } ray.BeginDrawing(); defer ray.EndDrawing(); ray.ClearBackground(ray.BLACK); level.draw(scale, camera); level.draw_selection(scale, camera); //ray.DrawFPS(0, 0); } }