2020-09-25 23:28:06 +02:00

186 lines
5.1 KiB

from math import sin, cos, pi, sqrt, asin
from tkinter import *
laby_w, laby_h = 20, 12
wl = [676499, 819210, 704161, 828804, 911396, 1010837, 772540, 600182, 526017, 803480, 756064, 701196, 1756736, 1376344, 1158834, 1315990, 1102792, 1323847, 1497194, 1810708, 1327018, 1094903, 1349813]
zint = 2
screen_w, screen_h = laby_w * 50 + 2, laby_h * 50 + 2
zx, zy = (screen_w - zint) / laby_w, (screen_h - zint) / laby_h
master = Tk()
master.resizable(0, 0)
index = 0
path = [(0.0, 0.5)]
def escape(event):
global master
def add(event):
global path, index
if len(path) < 28:
index += 1
path.append((0.0, 0.5))
def remove(event):
global path, index
if len(path) > 1:
path = path[:-1]
if index > len(path) - 1:
index = len(path) - 1
def next(event):
global path, index
if index < len(path) - 1:
index += 1
def previous(event):
global path, index
if index > 0:
index -= 1
def left(event):
global path, index
path[index] = (round(path[index][0] + 0.1, 1), path[index][1])
def right(event):
global path, index
path[index] = (round(path[index][0] - 0.1, 1), path[index][1])
def up(event):
global path, index
path[index] = (path[index][0], round(path[index][1] + 0.1, 1))
def down(event):
global path, index
if path[index][1] > 0:
path[index] = (path[index][0], round(path[index][1] - 0.1, 1))
def print_code(event):
global path
print('path = %s' % path)
print('def chemin():')
for i in range(len(path)):
print(' a_gauche(%s)' % path[i][0])
print(' avancer(%s)' % path[i][1])
master.bind('<Escape>', escape)
master.bind('<Return>', add)
master.bind('<Delete>', remove)
master.bind('<Prior>', previous)
master.bind('<Next>', next)
master.bind('<Left>', left)
master.bind('<Right>', right)
master.bind('<Up>', up)
master.bind('<Down>', down)
master.bind('p', print_code)
master.bind('P', print_code)
canvas = Canvas(master, width = screen_w, height = screen_h + 68, bg = 'white')
def clean_screen():
def draw_rect(x, y, w, h, color):
x += 1
y += 1
canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + w, y + h, fill = color, outline = '')
def draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color):
canvas.create_line(x1 + 1, y1 + 1, x2 + 1, y2 + 1, fill = color, width = 2.0)
def draw_help():
help = 'change angle: Left/Right, change length: Up/Down, add/remove element: Enter/Delete, previous/next element: PgUp/PgDn, print code: P, exit: Esc'
canvas.create_text(4, screen_h + 36, anchor = NW, text = help, fill = 'black')
def draw_path():
global path
canvas.create_text(4, screen_h + 4, anchor = NW, text = '%s' % path[0:14], fill = 'black')
canvas.create_text(4, screen_h + 20, anchor = NW, text = '%s' % path[14:28], fill = 'black')
def draw_score(score):
canvas.create_text(4, screen_h + 52, anchor = NW, text = 'score: %f' % score, fill = 'black')
def fix_angle(a):
return a * 2 * asin(1) / pi
def cout(x):
return len(str(round(abs(x)/1.,5)))
def tourner(a):
global state
state[7] += a
state[5] += 5 + cout(a)
state[2] -= a
def avancer(l, color):
global state
t = fix_angle(state[2])
dx, dy = cos(t), sin(t)
state[7] += l
state[5] += 8 + cout(l)
while(l > 0):
state[3:5] = state[0:2]
x, y = state[0] + dx/4, state[1] + dy/4
ix, iy = int(x) - (x < 0), int(y) - (y < 0)
drx, dry = ix - int(state[3]), iy - int(state[4])
vw = lambda y, x: wl[y] & 2**x
hw = lambda y, x: wl[y + laby_h] & 2**x
tx = drx and (ix < 0 or ix >= laby_w or vw(iy - dry, laby_w - 2 - min(ix, ix - drx)))
ty = dry and (iy < 0 or iy >= laby_h or hw(min(iy, iy - dry), laby_w - 1 - (ix - drx)))
t = dx <= 0 or int(x) < laby_w - 1 or int(y) < laby_h - 1
if t and tx or ty or (drx and dry and (t and tx or ty)) or (drx and dry and (t and vw(iy, laby_w - 2 - min(ix, ix - drx)) or hw(min(iy, iy - dry), laby_w - 1 - ix))):
state[5] += 15
l -= .25
state[6] += (state[6] < 200)
state[0:2] = (x, y)
draw_line(state[3] * zx, state[4] * zy, state[0] * zx, state[1] * zy, color)
def aller_selon(path):
global state
state = [0, .5, 0, 0, .5, 0, 0, 0]
for i in range(2):
draw_rect(0, i * laby_h * zy, laby_w * zx + zint, zint, 'black')
draw_rect(i * laby_w * zx, (not i) * zy, zint, (laby_h - 1) * zy, 'black')
for y in range(2 * laby_h - 1):
for z in range(laby_w - (y < laby_h)):
if wl[y] & 2**z:
x = laby_w - 1 - z
if y < laby_h:
draw_rect(x * zx, y * zy, zint, zy + zint, 'black')
draw_rect(x * zx, (y - laby_h + 1) * zy, zx + zint, zint, 'black')
for i in range(len(path)):
if i == index:
avancer(path[i][1], 'red')
avancer(path[i][1], 'blue')
state[5] += sin(fix_angle(state[7])) - state[6] // 2
if __name__== "__main__":