/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * Copyright (c) 2021 KikooDX * This file is part of * [Painfull Success CG](https://git.sr.ht/~kikoodx/painfull-success-cg), * which is MIT licensed. The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be * included in all copies and substantial portions of the software. */ #include #include "lazyint.h" #include "tiles.h" u32 tile_color(tile_t tile) { int color = 0; switch (tile) { case AIR_TILE: color = C_RGB((0/4), (0/4), (0/4)); break; case SOLID_TILE: color = C_RGB((10/4), (210/4), (180/4)); break; case PAIN_TILE: color = C_RGB((210/4), (10/4), (180/4)); break; case SPAWN_TILE: color = C_RGB((20/4), (220/4), (20/4)); break; case EXIT_TILE: color = C_RGB((250/4), (220/4), (10/4)); break; case KEY_TILE: color = C_RGB((210/4), (210/4), (210/4)); break; case SEMI_SOLID_TILE: color = C_RGB((5/4), (105/4), (90/4)); break; } return color; }