# raygint Bindings to make "cross platform games", gint on calculator and raylib on desktop. Work in progress. Following are the supported define and functions. ## `raygint/display.h` Macros: * `C_BLACK` * `C_BLUE` * `C_GREEN` * `C_RED` * `C_WHITE` * `DWIDTH` * `DHEIGHT` * `C_RGB(r, g, b)` Functions: * `void rDisplayInit(void);` * `void rDisplayDeinit(void);` * `void rDrawBegin(void);` * `void rDrawEnd(void);` * `void dclear(int color);` * `void drect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color);` * `void dupdate(void);` ## `raygint/keyboard.h` Functions: * `void clearevents(void);` * `void dclear(color_t color);` * `int keydown(int key);`