try: import ure as re except ImportError: try: import re except ImportError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit try: re.sub except AttributeError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit def multiply(m): return str(int( * 2) print(re.sub("\d+", multiply, "10 20 30 40 50")) print(re.sub("\d+", lambda m: str(int( // 2), "10 20 30 40 50")) def A(): return "A" print(re.sub("a", A(), "aBCBABCDabcda.")) print( re.sub( r"def\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\s*\(\s*\):", "static PyObject*\npy_\\1(void){\n return;\n}\n", "\n\ndef myfunc():\n\ndef myfunc1():\n\ndef myfunc2():", ) ) print( re.compile("(calzino) (blu|bianco|verde) e (scarpa) (blu|bianco|verde)").sub( r"\g<1> colore \2 con \g<3> colore \4? ...", "calzino blu e scarpa verde" ) ) # \g immediately followed by another \g print(re.sub("(abc)", r"\g<1>\g<1>", "abc")) # no matches at all print(re.sub("a", "b", "c")) # with maximum substitution count specified print(re.sub("a", "b", "1a2a3a", 2)) # invalid group try: re.sub("(a)", "b\\2", "a") except: print("invalid group") # invalid group with very large number (to test overflow in uPy) try: re.sub("(a)", "b\\199999999999999999999999999999999999999", "a") except: print("invalid group") # Module function takes str/bytes/re. print(re.sub("a", "a", "a")) print(re.sub(b".", b"a", b"a")) print(re.sub(re.compile("a"), "a", "a")) try: re.sub(123, "a", "a") except TypeError: print("TypeError") # Include \ in the sub replacement print(re.sub("b", "\\\\b", "abc")) # Using ^, make sure it doesn't repeatedly match print(re.sub("^ab", "*", "abababcabab")) print(re.sub("^ab|cab", "*", "abababcabab"))