# Source: https://github.com/python/pyperformance # License: MIT # Solver of Hexiom board game. # Benchmark from Laurent Vaucher. # Source: https://github.com/slowfrog/hexiom : hexiom2.py, level36.txt # (Main function tweaked by Armin Rigo.) ################################## class Dir(object): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y DIRS = [Dir(1, 0), Dir(-1, 0), Dir(0, 1), Dir(0, -1), Dir(1, 1), Dir(-1, -1)] EMPTY = 7 ################################## class Done(object): MIN_CHOICE_STRATEGY = 0 MAX_CHOICE_STRATEGY = 1 HIGHEST_VALUE_STRATEGY = 2 FIRST_STRATEGY = 3 MAX_NEIGHBORS_STRATEGY = 4 MIN_NEIGHBORS_STRATEGY = 5 def __init__(self, count, empty=False): self.count = count self.cells = None if empty else [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, EMPTY] for i in range(count)] def clone(self): ret = Done(self.count, True) ret.cells = [self.cells[i][:] for i in range(self.count)] return ret def __getitem__(self, i): return self.cells[i] def set_done(self, i, v): self.cells[i] = [v] def already_done(self, i): return len(self.cells[i]) == 1 def remove(self, i, v): if v in self.cells[i]: self.cells[i].remove(v) return True else: return False def remove_all(self, v): for i in range(self.count): self.remove(i, v) def remove_unfixed(self, v): changed = False for i in range(self.count): if not self.already_done(i): if self.remove(i, v): changed = True return changed def filter_tiles(self, tiles): for v in range(8): if tiles[v] == 0: self.remove_all(v) def next_cell_min_choice(self): minlen = 10 mini = -1 for i in range(self.count): if 1 < len(self.cells[i]) < minlen: minlen = len(self.cells[i]) mini = i return mini def next_cell_max_choice(self): maxlen = 1 maxi = -1 for i in range(self.count): if maxlen < len(self.cells[i]): maxlen = len(self.cells[i]) maxi = i return maxi def next_cell_highest_value(self): maxval = -1 maxi = -1 for i in range(self.count): if not self.already_done(i): maxvali = max(k for k in self.cells[i] if k != EMPTY) if maxval < maxvali: maxval = maxvali maxi = i return maxi def next_cell_first(self): for i in range(self.count): if not self.already_done(i): return i return -1 def next_cell_max_neighbors(self, pos): maxn = -1 maxi = -1 for i in range(self.count): if not self.already_done(i): cells_around = pos.hex.get_by_id(i).links n = sum( 1 if (self.already_done(nid) and (self[nid][0] != EMPTY)) else 0 for nid in cells_around ) if n > maxn: maxn = n maxi = i return maxi def next_cell_min_neighbors(self, pos): minn = 7 mini = -1 for i in range(self.count): if not self.already_done(i): cells_around = pos.hex.get_by_id(i).links n = sum( 1 if (self.already_done(nid) and (self[nid][0] != EMPTY)) else 0 for nid in cells_around ) if n < minn: minn = n mini = i return mini def next_cell(self, pos, strategy=HIGHEST_VALUE_STRATEGY): if strategy == Done.HIGHEST_VALUE_STRATEGY: return self.next_cell_highest_value() elif strategy == Done.MIN_CHOICE_STRATEGY: return self.next_cell_min_choice() elif strategy == Done.MAX_CHOICE_STRATEGY: return self.next_cell_max_choice() elif strategy == Done.FIRST_STRATEGY: return self.next_cell_first() elif strategy == Done.MAX_NEIGHBORS_STRATEGY: return self.next_cell_max_neighbors(pos) elif strategy == Done.MIN_NEIGHBORS_STRATEGY: return self.next_cell_min_neighbors(pos) else: raise Exception("Wrong strategy: %d" % strategy) ################################## class Node(object): def __init__(self, pos, id, links): self.pos = pos self.id = id self.links = links ################################## class Hex(object): def __init__(self, size): self.size = size self.count = 3 * size * (size - 1) + 1 self.nodes_by_id = self.count * [None] self.nodes_by_pos = {} id = 0 for y in range(size): for x in range(size + y): pos = (x, y) node = Node(pos, id, []) self.nodes_by_pos[pos] = node self.nodes_by_id[node.id] = node id += 1 for y in range(1, size): for x in range(y, size * 2 - 1): ry = size + y - 1 pos = (x, ry) node = Node(pos, id, []) self.nodes_by_pos[pos] = node self.nodes_by_id[node.id] = node id += 1 def link_nodes(self): for node in self.nodes_by_id: (x, y) = node.pos for dir in DIRS: nx = x + dir.x ny = y + dir.y if self.contains_pos((nx, ny)): node.links.append(self.nodes_by_pos[(nx, ny)].id) def contains_pos(self, pos): return pos in self.nodes_by_pos def get_by_pos(self, pos): return self.nodes_by_pos[pos] def get_by_id(self, id): return self.nodes_by_id[id] ################################## class Pos(object): def __init__(self, hex, tiles, done=None): self.hex = hex self.tiles = tiles self.done = Done(hex.count) if done is None else done def clone(self): return Pos(self.hex, self.tiles, self.done.clone()) ################################## def constraint_pass(pos, last_move=None): changed = False left = pos.tiles[:] done = pos.done # Remove impossible values from free cells free_cells = range(done.count) if last_move is None else pos.hex.get_by_id(last_move).links for i in free_cells: if not done.already_done(i): vmax = 0 vmin = 0 cells_around = pos.hex.get_by_id(i).links for nid in cells_around: if done.already_done(nid): if done[nid][0] != EMPTY: vmin += 1 vmax += 1 else: vmax += 1 for num in range(7): if (num < vmin) or (num > vmax): if done.remove(i, num): changed = True # Computes how many of each value is still free for cell in done.cells: if len(cell) == 1: left[cell[0]] -= 1 for v in range(8): # If there is none, remove the possibility from all tiles if (pos.tiles[v] > 0) and (left[v] == 0): if done.remove_unfixed(v): changed = True else: possible = sum((1 if v in cell else 0) for cell in done.cells) # If the number of possible cells for a value is exactly the number of available tiles # put a tile in each cell if pos.tiles[v] == possible: for i in range(done.count): cell = done.cells[i] if (not done.already_done(i)) and (v in cell): done.set_done(i, v) changed = True # Force empty or non-empty around filled cells filled_cells = range(done.count) if last_move is None else [last_move] for i in filled_cells: if done.already_done(i): num = done[i][0] empties = 0 filled = 0 unknown = [] cells_around = pos.hex.get_by_id(i).links for nid in cells_around: if done.already_done(nid): if done[nid][0] == EMPTY: empties += 1 else: filled += 1 else: unknown.append(nid) if len(unknown) > 0: if num == filled: for u in unknown: if EMPTY in done[u]: done.set_done(u, EMPTY) changed = True # else: # raise Exception("Houston, we've got a problem") elif num == filled + len(unknown): for u in unknown: if done.remove(u, EMPTY): changed = True return changed ASCENDING = 1 DESCENDING = -1 def find_moves(pos, strategy, order): done = pos.done cell_id = done.next_cell(pos, strategy) if cell_id < 0: return [] if order == ASCENDING: return [(cell_id, v) for v in done[cell_id]] else: # Try higher values first and EMPTY last moves = list(reversed([(cell_id, v) for v in done[cell_id] if v != EMPTY])) if EMPTY in done[cell_id]: moves.append((cell_id, EMPTY)) return moves def play_move(pos, move): (cell_id, i) = move pos.done.set_done(cell_id, i) def print_pos(pos, output): hex = pos.hex done = pos.done size = hex.size for y in range(size): print(" " * (size - y - 1), end="", file=output) for x in range(size + y): pos2 = (x, y) id = hex.get_by_pos(pos2).id if done.already_done(id): c = done[id][0] if done[id][0] != EMPTY else "." else: c = "?" print("%s " % c, end="", file=output) print(end="\n", file=output) for y in range(1, size): print(" " * y, end="", file=output) for x in range(y, size * 2 - 1): ry = size + y - 1 pos2 = (x, ry) id = hex.get_by_pos(pos2).id if done.already_done(id): c = done[id][0] if done[id][0] != EMPTY else "." else: c = "?" print("%s " % c, end="", file=output) print(end="\n", file=output) OPEN = 0 SOLVED = 1 IMPOSSIBLE = -1 def solved(pos, output, verbose=False): hex = pos.hex tiles = pos.tiles[:] done = pos.done exact = True all_done = True for i in range(hex.count): if len(done[i]) == 0: return IMPOSSIBLE elif done.already_done(i): num = done[i][0] tiles[num] -= 1 if tiles[num] < 0: return IMPOSSIBLE vmax = 0 vmin = 0 if num != EMPTY: cells_around = hex.get_by_id(i).links for nid in cells_around: if done.already_done(nid): if done[nid][0] != EMPTY: vmin += 1 vmax += 1 else: vmax += 1 if (num < vmin) or (num > vmax): return IMPOSSIBLE if num != vmin: exact = False else: all_done = False if (not all_done) or (not exact): return OPEN print_pos(pos, output) return SOLVED def solve_step(prev, strategy, order, output, first=False): if first: pos = prev.clone() while constraint_pass(pos): pass else: pos = prev moves = find_moves(pos, strategy, order) if len(moves) == 0: return solved(pos, output) else: for move in moves: # print("Trying (%d, %d)" % (move[0], move[1])) ret = OPEN new_pos = pos.clone() play_move(new_pos, move) # print_pos(new_pos) while constraint_pass(new_pos, move[0]): pass cur_status = solved(new_pos, output) if cur_status != OPEN: ret = cur_status else: ret = solve_step(new_pos, strategy, order, output) if ret == SOLVED: return SOLVED return IMPOSSIBLE def check_valid(pos): hex = pos.hex tiles = pos.tiles # fill missing entries in tiles tot = 0 for i in range(8): if tiles[i] > 0: tot += tiles[i] else: tiles[i] = 0 # check total if tot != hex.count: raise Exception("Invalid input. Expected %d tiles, got %d." % (hex.count, tot)) def solve(pos, strategy, order, output): check_valid(pos) return solve_step(pos, strategy, order, output, first=True) # TODO Write an 'iterator' to go over all x,y positions def read_file(file): lines = [line.strip("\r\n") for line in file.splitlines()] size = int(lines[0]) hex = Hex(size) linei = 1 tiles = 8 * [0] done = Done(hex.count) for y in range(size): line = lines[linei][size - y - 1 :] p = 0 for x in range(size + y): tile = line[p : p + 2] p += 2 if tile[1] == ".": inctile = EMPTY else: inctile = int(tile) tiles[inctile] += 1 # Look for locked tiles if tile[0] == "+": # print("Adding locked tile: %d at pos %d, %d, id=%d" % # (inctile, x, y, hex.get_by_pos((x, y)).id)) done.set_done(hex.get_by_pos((x, y)).id, inctile) linei += 1 for y in range(1, size): ry = size - 1 + y line = lines[linei][y:] p = 0 for x in range(y, size * 2 - 1): tile = line[p : p + 2] p += 2 if tile[1] == ".": inctile = EMPTY else: inctile = int(tile) tiles[inctile] += 1 # Look for locked tiles if tile[0] == "+": # print("Adding locked tile: %d at pos %d, %d, id=%d" % # (inctile, x, ry, hex.get_by_pos((x, ry)).id)) done.set_done(hex.get_by_pos((x, ry)).id, inctile) linei += 1 hex.link_nodes() done.filter_tiles(tiles) return Pos(hex, tiles, done) def solve_file(file, strategy, order, output): pos = read_file(file) solve(pos, strategy, order, output) LEVELS = {} LEVELS[2] = ( """ 2 . 1 . 1 1 1 . """, """\ 1 1 . . . 1 1 """, ) LEVELS[10] = ( """ 3 +.+. . +. 0 . 2 . 1+2 1 . 2 . 0+. .+.+. """, """\ . . 1 . 1 . 2 0 . 2 2 . . . . . 0 . . """, ) LEVELS[20] = ( """ 3 . 5 4 . 2+.+1 . 3+2 3 . +2+. 5 . . 3 . """, """\ 3 3 2 4 5 . 1 3 5 2 . . 2 . . . . . . """, ) LEVELS[25] = ( """ 3 4 . . . . 2 . 4 3 2 . 4 2 2 3 . 4 2 4 """, """\ 3 4 2 2 4 4 . . . . 4 2 . 2 4 3 . 2 . """, ) LEVELS[30] = ( """ 4 5 5 . . 3 . 2+2 6 3 . 2 . 5 . . 3 3+4 4 . 3 4 5 4 . 5 4 5+2 . . 3 4 . . . """, """\ 3 4 3 . 4 6 5 2 . 2 5 5 . . 2 . . 5 4 . 4 3 . 3 5 4 5 4 . 2 . 3 3 . . . . """, ) LEVELS[36] = ( """ 4 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 . . 2 3 3 . 4 . . 2 . 2 4 3 2 2 2 . . . 2 4 3 4 . . 3 2 3 3 """, """\ 3 4 3 2 3 4 4 . 3 2 . . 3 4 3 2 . 1 . 3 . 2 3 3 . 2 . 2 3 . 2 . 2 2 2 . 1 """, ) ########################################################################### # Benchmark interface bm_params = { (100, 100): (1, 10, DESCENDING, Done.FIRST_STRATEGY), (1000, 1000): (1, 25, DESCENDING, Done.FIRST_STRATEGY), (5000, 1000): (10, 25, DESCENDING, Done.FIRST_STRATEGY), } def bm_setup(params): try: import uio as io except ImportError: import io loops, level, order, strategy = params board, solution = LEVELS[level] board = board.strip() expected = solution.rstrip() output = None def run(): nonlocal output for _ in range(loops): stream = io.StringIO() solve_file(board, strategy, order, stream) output = stream.getvalue() stream = None def result(): norm = params[0] * params[1] out = "\n".join(line.rstrip() for line in output.splitlines()) return norm, ((out == expected), out) return run, result