
579 lines
19 KiB

#include "comp/entity.h"
#include "comp/physical.h"
#include "comp/visible.h"
#include "comp/mechanical.h"
#include "comp/fighter.h"
#include "comp/particle.h"
#include "anim.h"
#include "aoe.h"
#include "enemies.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "geometry.h"
#include "level.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "pathfinding.h"
#include "render.h"
#include <gint/display.h>
#include <gint/keyboard.h>
#include <gint/usb.h>
#include <gint/usb-ff-bulk.h>
#include <gint/cpu.h>
#include <gint/timer.h>
#include <gint/kmalloc.h>
#include <gint/drivers/r61524.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fxlibc/printf.h>
#include <libprof.h>
int main_menu(void)
entity_t *e = enemy_make(ENEMY_SLIME_1);
while(1) {
dprint(1, 1, C_WHITE, "Rogue Life");
dprint(1, 15, C_WHITE, "[1] Cavern");
dprint(1, 29, C_WHITE, "[2] Lab");
fighter_t *f = getcomp(e, fighter);
dprint(1, 43, C_WHITE, "HP:%d ATK:%d MAG:%d DEF:%d",
f->HP_max, f->ATK, f->MAG, f->DEF);
int key = getkey().key;
if(key == KEY_EXIT) return -1;
if(key == KEY_1) return 1;
if(key == KEY_2) return 2;
int main(void)
/* Enable %f etc. in printf()-like functions */
/* Enable %D for decimal fixed-point in printf()-like functions */
/* Initialize the PRNG */
srand(0xc0ffee + 1);
/* Initialize the benchmarking/profiling library */
/* Open the USB connection (for screenshots with fxlink) */
usb_interface_t const *interfaces[] = { &usb_ff_bulk, NULL };
usb_open(interfaces, GINT_CALL_NULL);
int lv = main_menu();
level_t const *level = NULL;
if(lv == -1) return 1;
if(lv == 1) level = &level_lv1;
if(lv == 2) level = &level_lv2;
game_t game = { 0 };
camera_t *c = &;
game_load(&game, level);
struct {
/* Show variables */
bool show_vars;
/* Show hitboxes */
bool show_hitboxes;
/* Show BFS field around player */
bool show_bfs_field;
pfg_all2one_t bfs_field;
/* Show path to some fixed cell */
bool show_path;
pfg_path_t grid_path;
pfc_path_t continuous_path;
/* Show performance metrics */
bool show_perf;
} debug;
memset(&debug, 0, sizeof debug);
// Spawn player
mechanical_limits_t ml_player = {
.max_speed = fix(4.5),
.friction = fix(0.7),
.dash_speed = fix(20),
.dash_duration = fix(1) / 8,
.dash_cooldown = fix(1),
fighter_stat_model_t stats_player = {
.HP = fix(1.5),
.ATK = fix(1.5),
.DEF = fix(1.5),
.MAG = fix(1.5),
entity_t *player = entity_make(physical, visible, mechanical, fighter);
physical_t *player_p = getcomp(player, physical);
visible_t *player_v = getcomp(player, visible);
mechanical_t *player_m = getcomp(player, mechanical);
fighter_t *player_f = getcomp(player, fighter);
player_f->combo_length = 2;
player_f->combo_next = 0;
player_f->combo_delay = fix(0);
player_f->enemy_data = NULL;
fighter_set_stats(player_f, &stats_player, 1, fix(1.5));
player_p->x = fix(game.level->player_spawn_x) + fix(0.5);
player_p->y = fix(game.level->player_spawn_y) + fix(0.5);
player_p->facing = DOWN;
player_p->hitbox = (rect){ -fix(5)/16, fix(5)/16, -fix(2)/16, fix(4)/16 };
player_m->limits = &ml_player;
player_v->sprite_plane = VERTICAL;
player_v->shadow_size = 4;
visible_set_anim(player, &anims_player_Idle, 1);
game_add_entity(&game, player);
game.player = player;
// Main loop
/* Start a timer at the FRAME_RATE setting to schedule new frames */
volatile int frame_tick = 1;
int timer_id = timer_configure(TIMER_ANY, 1000000 / FRAME_RATE,
if(timer_id >= 0)
bool stop = false;
prof_t perf_render, perf_simul;
uint32_t time_render=0, time_simul=0;
while(!stop) {
while(!frame_tick) sleep();
frame_tick = 0;
bool attack = false;
/* This assumes the frame is not late; can do better with libprof */
fixed_t dt = fix(1) / FRAME_RATE;
perf_render = prof_make();
render_game(&game, debug.show_hitboxes);
/* kmalloc_arena_t *_uram = kmalloc_get_arena("_uram");
kmalloc_gint_stats_t *_uram_stats = kmalloc_get_gint_stats(_uram);
dprint(1, 1, C_WHITE, "Memory: %d", _uram_stats->used_memory); */
/* Developer/tweaking menu */
if(debug.show_vars) {
uint32_t *vram = (void *)gint_vram;
for(int y = 0; y < 224; y++) {
for(int i = 0; i < 396/4; i++)
vram[i] = (vram[i] & 0xf7def7de) >> 1;
vram += 396/2;
uint16_t gray = C_RGB(16, 16, 16);
dprint(3, 40, C_WHITE, "Player speed: %g tiles/s",
dprint(15, 55, gray, "[frac] -/+ [X,0,T]");
dprint(3, 70, C_WHITE, "Friction: %g",
dprint(15, 85, gray, "[F<>D] -/+ [log]");
dprint(3, 115, C_WHITE, "Dash speed: %g tiles/s",
dprint(15, 130, gray, "[(] -/+ [ln]");
dprint(3, 145, C_WHITE, "Dash duration: %g s",
dprint(15, 160, gray, "[)] -/+ [sin]");
dprint(3, 175, C_WHITE, "Dash cooldown: %g s",
dprint(15, 190, gray, "[,] -/+ [cos]");
if(debug.show_path) {
for(int i = 0; i < debug.grid_path.length; i++) {
ivec2 j = camera_map2screen(c,
ivec2 k = camera_map2screen(c,
dline(j.x, j.y, k.x, k.y, C_RGB(31, 0, 31));
for(int i = 0; i < debug.continuous_path.length; i++) {
ivec2 j = camera_map2screen(c,
ivec2 k = camera_map2screen(c,
dline(j.x, j.y, k.x, k.y, C_RGB(0, 31, 31));
vec2 p = physical_pos(player);
vec2 q = vec_i2f_center((ivec2){ 6, 9 });
bool clear = raycast_clear_hitbox(,p,q,player_p->hitbox);
ivec2 j = camera_map2screen(c, p);
ivec2 k = camera_map2screen(c, q);
dline(j.x, j.y, k.x, k.y, clear ? C_GREEN : C_RED);
extern int rch_c1, rch_c2;
extern vec2 rch_p1[64], rch_p2[64];
for(int k = 0; k < rch_c1 && k < 64; k++) {
ivec2 i = camera_map2screen(c, rch_p1[k]);
dline(i.x-2, i.y, i.x+2, i.y, C_RGB(0, 31, 31));
dline(i.x, i.y-2, i.x, i.y+2, C_RGB(0, 31, 31));
for(int k = 0; k < rch_c2 && k < 64; k++) {
ivec2 i = camera_map2screen(c, rch_p2[k]);
dline(i.x-2, i.y, i.x+2, i.y, C_RGB(0, 31, 31));
dline(i.x, i.y-2, i.x, i.y+2, C_RGB(0, 31, 31));
if(debug.show_bfs_field && game.paths_to_player.direction) {
render_pfg_all2one(&game.paths_to_player, c);
if(debug.show_perf) {
dprint(1, 15, C_WHITE, "Render: %.3D ms", time_render);
dprint(1, 29, C_WHITE, "Simul: %.3D ms", time_simul);
if(keydown(KEY_VARS)) {
int fg = C_RGB(31, 31, 0);
fkey_button(1, "PARAMS", debug.show_vars ? fg : C_WHITE);
fkey_button(2, "HITBOX", debug.show_hitboxes ? fg : C_WHITE);
fkey_button(3, "BFS", debug.show_bfs_field ? fg : C_WHITE);
fkey_button(4, "PATHS", debug.show_path ? fg : C_WHITE);
fkey_button(5, "PERF", debug.show_perf ? fg : C_WHITE);
static bool record = false;
if(keydown(KEY_F6) && !keydown(KEY_VARS) && usb_is_open()) {
record = !record;
if(record) {
/* Instead of dupdate(); for accurate performance measurements. Leaving
the DMA running during the simulation affects the results in extreme
proportions (can turn 1 ms of simulation into 11 ms measured) */
r61524_display(gint_vram, 0, 224, R61524_DMA_WAIT);
time_render = prof_time(perf_render);
perf_simul = prof_make();
key_event_t ev;
while((ev = pollevent()).type != KEYEV_NONE) {
if(ev.type == KEYEV_UP) continue;
if(ev.key == KEY_MENU)
if(ev.key == KEY_EXIT)
stop = true;
/* Debug settings */
if(ev.key == KEY_F1 && keydown(KEY_VARS))
debug.show_vars ^= 1;
if(ev.key == KEY_F2 && keydown(KEY_VARS))
debug.show_hitboxes ^= 1;
if(ev.key == KEY_F3 && keydown(KEY_VARS))
debug.show_bfs_field ^= 1;
if(ev.key == KEY_F4 && keydown(KEY_VARS))
debug.show_path ^= 1;
if(ev.key == KEY_F5 && keydown(KEY_VARS))
debug.show_perf ^= 1;
if(ev.key == KEY_XOT)
ml_player.max_speed += fix(1)/8;
if(ev.key == KEY_FRAC) {
ml_player.max_speed -= fix(1)/8;
if(ml_player.max_speed < 0)
ml_player.max_speed = 0;
if(ev.key == KEY_LOG) {
ml_player.friction += fix(1) / 32;
if(ml_player.friction > 1)
ml_player.friction = 1;
if(ev.key == KEY_FD) {
ml_player.friction -= fix(1) / 32;
if(ml_player.friction <= 0)
ml_player.friction = 0;
if(ev.key == KEY_LN)
ml_player.dash_speed += fix(0.5);
if(ev.key == KEY_LEFTP) {
ml_player.dash_speed -= fix(0.5);
if(ml_player.dash_speed <= 0)
ml_player.dash_speed = 0;
if(ev.key == KEY_SIN)
ml_player.dash_duration += fix(1) / 64;
if(ev.key == KEY_RIGHTP) {
ml_player.dash_duration -= fix(1) / 64;
if(ml_player.dash_duration <= 0)
ml_player.dash_duration = 0;
if(ev.key == KEY_COS)
ml_player.dash_cooldown += fix(1) / 8;
if(ev.key == KEY_COMMA) {
ml_player.dash_cooldown -= fix(1) / 8;
if(ml_player.dash_cooldown <= 0)
ml_player.dash_cooldown = 0;
if(ev.key == KEY_PLUS)
camera_zoom(c, c->zoom + 1);
if(ev.key == KEY_MINUS)
camera_zoom(c, c->zoom - 1);
if(ev.key == KEY_SHIFT)
attack = true;
/* Camera movement */
#if 0
fixed_t vx = CAMERA_SPEED_X;
fixed_t vy = CAMERA_SPEED_Y;
if(keydown(KEY_4) || keydown(KEY_7) || keydown(KEY_1))
camera_move(c, -fmul(dt, vx), 0);
if(keydown(KEY_6) || keydown(KEY_9) || keydown(KEY_3))
camera_move(c, fmul(dt, vx), 0);
if(keydown(KEY_8) || keydown(KEY_7) || keydown(KEY_9))
camera_move(c, 0, -fmul(dt, vy));
if(keydown(KEY_2) || keydown(KEY_1) || keydown(KEY_3))
camera_move(c, 0, fmul(dt, vy));
/* Player movement */
if(player_f->HP > 0) {
int dir = -1;
if(keydown(KEY_UP)) dir = UP;
if(keydown(KEY_DOWN)) dir = DOWN;
if(keydown(KEY_LEFT)) dir = LEFT;
if(keydown(KEY_RIGHT)) dir = RIGHT;
if(keydown(KEY_F1) && !keydown(KEY_VARS)) {
int dash_dir = (dir >= 0) ? dir : player_p->facing;
mechanical_dash(player, dash_dir);
mechanical_move4(player, dir, dt,;
if(dir >= 0)
visible_set_anim(player, &anims_player_Walking, 1);
visible_set_anim(player, &anims_player_Idle, 1);
/* Directions to reach the player from anywhere on the grid */
game.paths_to_player = pfg_bfs(,vec_f2i(physical_pos(player)));
/* Enemy AI */
if(player_f->HP > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < game.entity_count; i++) {
entity_t *e = game.entities[i];
fighter_t *f = getcomp(e, fighter);
mechanical_t *m = getcomp(e, mechanical);
physical_t *p = getcomp(e, physical);
if(!f || !m || f->enemy_data == NULL || f->HP == 0)
/* Go within 1 block of the player */
vec2 direction = { 0, 0 };
vec2 pos = physical_pos(e);
bool in_range = dist2(pos, physical_pos(player)) <= fix(1);
if(!in_range) {
pfg_path_t path = pfg_bfs_inwards(&game.paths_to_player,
if(path.points) {
direction = pfc_shortcut_one(&path, pos,
physical_pos(player), getcomp(e, physical)->hitbox);
if(direction.x && direction.y) {
direction.x -= pos.x;
direction.y -= pos.y;
mechanical_move(e, direction, dt,;
if(direction.x > 0) p->facing = RIGHT;
else if(direction.x < 0) p->facing = LEFT;
else if(p->x < player_p->x) p->facing = RIGHT;
else p->facing = LEFT;
visible_set_anim(e, f->enemy_data->anim_walking, 1);
visible_set_anim(e, f->enemy_data->anim_idle, 1);
if(in_range && !f->current_attack) {
/* Enemy attack */
int facing = frdir((vec2){
player_p->x - p->x,
player_p->y - p->y });
entity_t *aoe = aoe_make_attack(AOE_HIT, e, facing);
game_add_entity(&game, aoe);
f->current_attack = aoe;
f->attack_follows_movement = true;
visible_set_anim(e, f->enemy_data->anim_attack, 2);
/* Player attack */
if(player_f->HP > 0 && attack && !player_f->current_attack) {
int hit_number=0, effect=AOE_SLASH;
/* If hitting within .25s of the previous hit ending, combo! */
if(abs(player_f->combo_delay) < fix(0.25))
hit_number = player_f->combo_next;
player_f->combo_next = (hit_number + 1) % player_f->combo_length;
if(hit_number == 0) effect = AOE_SLASH;
if(hit_number == 1) effect = AOE_IMPALE;
entity_t *aoe = aoe_make_attack(effect, player, player_p->facing);
game_add_entity(&game, aoe);
visible_set_anim(player, &anims_player_Attack, 2);
player_f->current_attack = aoe;
player_f->attack_follows_movement = true;
player_f->combo_delay = getcomp(aoe, aoe)->lifetime;
/* Player skills */
bool can_attack = player_f->HP > 0 && !player_f->current_attack &&
if(can_attack && keydown(KEY_F2)) {
entity_t *aoe = aoe_make_attack(AOE_SHOCK, player,
game_add_entity(&game, aoe);
visible_set_anim(player, &anims_player_Attack, 2);
player_f->current_attack = aoe;
player_f->attack_follows_movement = true;
if(can_attack && keydown(KEY_F3)) {
entity_t *aoe = aoe_make_attack( AOE_JUDGEMENT, player,
game_add_entity(&game, aoe);
visible_set_anim(player, &anims_player_Attack, 2);
player_f->current_attack = aoe;
player_f->attack_follows_movement = false;
if(can_attack && keydown(KEY_F4)) {
entity_t *aoe = aoe_make_attack(AOE_BULLET, player,
game_add_entity(&game, aoe);
visible_set_anim(player, &anims_player_Attack, 2);
player_f->current_attack = aoe;
player_f->attack_follows_movement = false;
/* Ideas for additional skills:
- Freeze enemies
- Barrier around player
- Teleport
- Time manipulation
- Player buffs (short but strong) or wide area debuggs
Ideas for items:
- Healing potion
- Equipment
- XP boosts
- Weaker but longer-lasting buffs */
game_update_animations(&game, dt);
game_update_aoes(&game, dt);
game_update_particles(&game, dt);
player_f->combo_delay -= dt;
/* Reset default anims */
visible_set_anim(player, &anims_player_Idle, 1);
for(int i = 0; i < game.entity_count; i++) {
entity_t *e = game.entities[i];
fighter_t *f = getcomp(e, fighter);
visible_t *v = getcomp(e, visible);
if(f && f->enemy_data != NULL && v && !v->anim.frame) {
visible_set_anim(e, f->enemy_data->anim_idle, 1);
game.time_total += dt;
game.time_wave += dt;
if(game.time_defeat == 0 && player_f->HP == 0)
game.time_defeat = game.time_total;
if(game.time_victory == 0 && player_f->HP > 0 &&
game.time_victory = game.time_total;
/* Next wave */
if(game.time_victory > 0 && game.time_total > game.time_victory +
&& game.wave < game.level->wave_count)
/* Visual pathfinding debug */
if(debug.show_path) {
vec2 target = vec_i2f_center((ivec2){ 6, 9 });
debug.grid_path = pfg_bfs_outwards(&game.paths_to_player,
debug.continuous_path = pfc_shortcut_full(&debug.grid_path,
physical_pos(player), target, player_p->hitbox);
time_simul = prof_time(perf_simul);
return 1;