
707 lines
17 KiB

#include "platform.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "cgdoom-ui.h"
static int iAllocSum = 0;
void * CGDMalloc(int iSize)
iAllocSum += iSize;
printf("malloc %i (%i)\n",iSize,iAllocSum);
void *p = malloc(iSize);
if (!p)
I_Error ("CGDMalloc failure");
return p;
void * CGDCalloc(int iSize)
void *p = CGDMalloc(iSize);
if(p != NULL)
return p;
void * CGDRealloc (void *p, int iSize)
iAllocSum += iSize;
printf("realloc %i (%i)\n",iSize,iAllocSum);
if(p == NULL)
return malloc(iSize);
return realloc(p,iSize);
unsigned char aSaveVRAMBuffer[SAVE_VRAM_SIZE]; //for screens[2] (2x64KB) + WAD file mapping
unsigned char aSystemStack[SYSTEM_STACK_SIZE]; //for RAM_I_Zone
unsigned short *VRAM;
unsigned char *SaveVRAMBuffer; //for screens[2]
unsigned char *SystemStack; //for RAM_I_Zone
void CGDAppendNum09(const char *pszText,int iNum,char *pszBuf)
int i = 0;
pszBuf[i] = pszText[i];
ASSERT(iNum < 10);
ASSERT(iNum >= 0);
pszBuf[i] = (char)('0'+iNum);
pszBuf[i+1] = 0;
void CGDAppendNum0_999(const char *pszText,int iNum,int iMinDigits,char *pszBuf)
int i = 0;
int z = 0;
pszBuf[i] = pszText[i];
ASSERT(iNum < 1000000);
ASSERT(iNum >= 0);
if((iNum > 999999) || (iMinDigits>6))
pszBuf[i] = (char)('0'+(iNum / 1000000));
iNum %= 1000000;
z = 1;
if(z || (iNum > 99990) || (iMinDigits>5))
pszBuf[i] = (char)('0'+(iNum / 100000));
iNum %= 100000;
z = 1;
if(z || (iNum > 9999) || (iMinDigits>4))
pszBuf[i] = (char)('0'+(iNum / 10000));
iNum %= 10000;
z = 1;
if(z || (iNum > 999) || (iMinDigits>3))
pszBuf[i] = (char)('0'+(iNum / 1000));
iNum %= 1000;
z = 1;
if(z || (iNum > 99) || (iMinDigits>2))
pszBuf[i] = (char)('0'+(iNum / 100));
iNum %= 100;
z = 1;
if(z || (iNum > 9) || (iMinDigits>1))
pszBuf[i] = (char)('0'+(iNum / 10));
iNum %= 10;
pszBuf[i] = (char)('0'+iNum);
pszBuf[i+1] = 0;
void CGDAppendHex32(const char *pszText,int iNum,int iDigits,char *pszBuf)
CGDstrcpy(pszBuf, pszText);
pszBuf += CGDstrlen(pszText);
for(int i = 0; i < iDigits; i++)
int c = (iNum >> (i * 4)) & 0xf;
c = c + '0' + 7 * (c > 9);
pszBuf[iDigits-i-1] = c;
pszBuf[iDigits] = 0;
int CGDstrlen(const char *pszText)
int i = 0;
return i;
void CGDstrcpy(char *pszBuf,const char *pszText)
int i = 0;
pszBuf[i] = pszText[i];
pszBuf[i] = 0;
void CGDstrncpy(char *pszBuf,const char *pszText,int iLen)
int i = 0;
if(iLen == i)
pszBuf[i] = pszText[i];
pszBuf[i] = 0;
int CGDstrcmp (const char*s1,const char*s2)
unsigned char c1 = (unsigned char)s1[0];
unsigned char c2 = (unsigned char)s2[0];
if(c1 !=c2)
return 1;//who cares 1/-1, important is match/nonmatch
return (unsigned char)s2[0]>0;
int CGDstrncmp (const char*s1,const char*s2,int iLen)
return 0;
unsigned char c1 = (unsigned char)s1[0];
unsigned char c2 = (unsigned char)s2[0];
if(c1 !=c2)
return 1;//who cares 1/-1, important is match/nonmatch
return 0;
return (unsigned char)s2[0]>0;
static unsigned char Upper(unsigned char c)
c -='a'-'A';
return c;
int CGDstrnicmp (const char*s1,const char*s2,int iLen)
return 0;
unsigned char c1 = Upper((unsigned char)s1[0]);
unsigned char c2 = Upper((unsigned char)s2[0]);
if(c1 !=c2)
return 1;//who cares 1/-1, important is match/nonmatch
return 0;
return (unsigned char)s2[0]>0;
// WAD file access mechanism
// Since BFile is too slow to access the WAD file in real-time, the fragments
// are searched in ROM and their physical addresses are stored for direct
// access later. This is similar to mmap() except that a manual translation is
// used instead of the MMU. As far as I know, the first version of this system
// was implemented by Martin Poupe.
// The file is obviously fragmented and Yatis reverse-engineered Fugue enough
// to determine that storage units are sectors of 512 bytes. While clusters of
// 4 kiB are used in general, a file might not start on the first sector of a
// cluster, and some sectors might also simply be dead.
// Although all 65536 Flash sectors are searched when needed, several
// heuristics are used:
// * The region between FLASH_FS_HINT and FLASH_END is searched first, since
// this is roughly where the filesystem is located.
// * All sectors aligned on 4-kiB boundaries between FLASH_FS_HINT and
// FLASH_END (of which there are 4096) are indexed by their first 4 bytes and
// binary searched for matches before anything else.
// See <platform.h> for Flash traversal parameters.
//The whole sound doesn't fir onto the RAM.
//Reading per partes is not possible as this is synchronnous player (there would be silences when reading).
/* Fast memcmp() for 512-byte sectors. */
int CGD_sector_memcmp(const void *fast_ram, const void *rom, size_t _512);
/* Caching structure to read WAD files by larger chunks than Flash sectors. */
typedef struct {
int fd;
int size, offset;
char *data; /* of size FLASH_BFILE_UNIT */
} FileAccessCache;
/* Index of most likely ROM sectors. */
typedef struct {
const void *sector;
uint32_t start_bytes;
} SectorIndexInfo;
/* Description of a fragment of a WAD file, in Flash. This is placed in PRAM0
to save RAM elsewhere. PRAM0 only supports 32-bit accesses, so we make this
structure a volatile bitfield where each entry has a 32-bit supporting type,
and build with -fstrict-volatile-bitfields which instructs GCC to use
accesses of the size of the supporting type without compromising on the
naming of the fields. */
typedef volatile struct {
/* Index of first sector in Flash (0...64k) */
uint32_t flash_address :16;
/* Corresponding sector in the WAD file */
uint32_t file_address :16;
} FileMappingItem;
/* Maximum number of fragments in the file map. Fragment information is stored
in PRAM0, so up to ~40k entries can be stored; this limit is mostly to catch
failures in fragment detection. (I have witnessed Ultimate Doom WADs with
up to 500 fragments.)*/
#define MAX_FRAGMENTS 2048
typedef struct {
/* Table of fragments */
FileMappingItem *mTable;
int miItemCount;
/* Length of the file */
int miTotalLength;
} FileMapping;
/* Bfile's file info structure returned by filesystem search functions. */
typedef struct
unsigned short id, type;
unsigned long fsize, dsize;
unsigned int property;
unsigned long address;
} Bfile_FileInfo;
/* Find WAD files in the filesystem. */
int FindWADs(WADFileInfo *files, int max)
uint16_t path[16];
Bfile_FileInfo info;
int sd, rc, total=0;
rc = Bfile_FindFirst(u"\\\\fls0\\*.wad", &sd, path, &info);
while(rc != -16 && total < max)
memcpy(files[total].path, u"\\\\fls0\\", 14);
memcpy(files[total].path+7, path, 16*2);
Bfile_NameToStr_ncpy(files[total].name, path, 16);
files[total].size = info.fsize;
rc = Bfile_FindNext(sd, path, &info);
return total;
/* WAD file access method. */
static int gWADmethod = CGDOOM_WAD_MMAP;
/* File descriptor to WAD, used in Flash_ReadFile calls. (CGDOOM_WAD_BFILE) */
static int gWADfd = -1;
/* Memory map of WAD file. (CGDOOM_WAD_MMAP) */
static FileMapping gWADMap;
/* Index of most likely sectors for fragment search. (CGDOOM_WAD_MMAP) */
static SectorIndexInfo *gIndex = NULL;
/* Developer info */
static int gDevFragments = 0;
static int gDevIndexHits = 0;
static const void *gDevLowestFragment = NULL;
/* Read next sector from file, while caching into a buffer. */
const void *ReadNextSector(FileAccessCache *fc, int *size)
if(fc->size == 0)
fc->size = Bfile_ReadFile_OS(fc->fd, fc->data, FLASH_BFILE_UNIT, -1);
fc->offset = 0;
if(fc->size <= 0)
*size = -1;
return NULL;
*size = min(fc->size, FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
fc->size -= *size;
const void *sector = fc->data + fc->offset;
fc->offset += *size;
return sector;
/* Compare two sectors in ROM for the index. */
int IndexCompareSectors(const void *p1, const void *p2)
const SectorIndexInfo *i1 = p1;
const SectorIndexInfo *i2 = p2;
return i1->start_bytes - i2->start_bytes;
/* Find all matching sectors in index (returns in-out interval). */
void IndexSearchSector(SectorIndexInfo *index, const void *buf, int *lo_ptr, int *hi_ptr)
uint32_t needle = *(const uint32_t *)buf;
*lo_ptr = *hi_ptr = -1;
/* Find the first occurrence, set it in *lo_ptr */
int lo=0, hi=FLASH_INDEX_SIZE;
while(lo < hi) {
int m = (lo + hi) / 2;
if(index[m].start_bytes < needle) lo = m + 1;
else hi = m;
if(lo >= FLASH_INDEX_SIZE || index[lo].start_bytes != needle) return;
*lo_ptr = hi = lo;
/* Store last occurrence in *hi_ptr */
do hi++;
while(hi < FLASH_INDEX_SIZE && index[hi].start_bytes == needle);
*hi_ptr = hi;
/* Find a flash sector which contains the same data as buf. */
int FindSectorInFlash(const void *buf, int size)
typeof(&memcmp) memcmp_fun = &memcmp;
if(size == FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) memcmp_fun = &CGD_sector_memcmp;
/* If an index has been built, search in it */
int lo, hi;
IndexSearchSector(gIndex, buf, &lo, &hi);
for(int i = lo; i < hi; i++) {
if(!memcmp_fun(buf, gIndex[i].sector, size)) {
return (gIndex[i].sector - FLASH_START) / FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
const void *sector = FLASH_FS_HINT;
do {
if(!memcmp_fun(buf, sector, size))
return (sector - FLASH_START) / FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
sector += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
if(sector == FLASH_END)
sector = FLASH_START;
while(sector != FLASH_FS_HINT);
return -1;
int CreateFileMapping(int fd, FileMapping *pMap)
/* Cache accesses through a larger buffer */
FileAccessCache fc = {
.data = (void *)0xe5007000, /* XRAM */
.fd = fd
int iLength = 0;
int iFileSize = Bfile_GetFileSize_OS(fd);
pMap->miItemCount = 0;
pMap->miTotalLength = 0;
int iLastProgress = 0;
const void *pFileData = ReadNextSector(&fc, &iLength);
while(iLength > 0)
/* Don't show this too often, or it will eat several seconds */
if((pMap->miTotalLength - iLastProgress) * 20 > iFileSize) {
UI_FileMappingProgressBar(pMap->miTotalLength, iFileSize);
iLastProgress = pMap->miTotalLength;
int iSectorID = FindSectorInFlash(pFileData, iLength);
if(iSectorID == -1)
return -2; // Page not found!
if(pMap->miItemCount >= MAX_FRAGMENTS)
return -3; // File too fragmented!
pMap->mTable[pMap->miItemCount-1].flash_address = iSectorID;
pMap->mTable[pMap->miItemCount-1].file_address = pMap->miTotalLength / FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
/* Look for consecutive sectors in the same fragment */
const void *pFragment = FLASH_START + (iSectorID * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
if(!gDevLowestFragment || pFragment < gDevLowestFragment)
gDevLowestFragment = pFragment;
pMap->miTotalLength += iLength;
pFragment += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
if(iLength < FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
//this was the last page
return pMap->miTotalLength;
pFileData = ReadNextSector(&fc, &iLength);
if(iLength <= 0)
if((iLength == FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
? CGD_sector_memcmp(pFileData, pFragment, iLength)
: memcmp(pFileData, pFragment, iLength))
if(iLength < 0)
return -1;
return pMap->miTotalLength;
/* Find a fragment in the file map by binary search. */
int FindFragmentInMap(FileMapping *map, int sector_number)
int lo=0, hi=map->miItemCount;
while (lo < hi)
int m = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (map->mTable[m].file_address > sector_number) hi = m;
else lo = m + 1;
return hi - 1;
int FindInFlash(const void **buf, int size, int readpos)
if(gWADmethod == CGDOOM_WAD_BFILE)
return 0;
ASSERT(readpos >= 0);
if (readpos + size > gWADMap.miTotalLength)
return -1;
int iFragIndx = FindFragmentInMap(&gWADMap, readpos / FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);
int iFragOffset = gWADMap.mTable[iFragIndx].file_address * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
int iSubOffset = readpos - iFragOffset;
int iFragEnd;
if (iFragIndx+1 < gWADMap.miItemCount)
iFragEnd = gWADMap.mTable[iFragIndx+1].file_address * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
iFragEnd = gWADMap.miTotalLength;
*buf = FLASH_CACHED_START + (gWADMap.mTable[iFragIndx].flash_address * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE) + iSubOffset;
/* Return how many bytes can be read off the fragment (up to size). */
int iAvailableLen = min(iFragEnd - readpos, size);
ASSERT(iAvailableLen > 0);
return iAvailableLen;
int Flash_ReadFile(void *buf, int size, int readpos)
if(gWADmethod == CGDOOM_WAD_BFILE)
return Bfile_ReadFile_OS(gWADfd, buf, size, readpos);
const void *pSrc;
int iRet = 0;
while(size >0)
int i = FindInFlash(&pSrc,size, readpos);
if(i<0) {
I_ErrorI ("Flash_ReadFile", size, readpos, 0, i);
return i;
buf = ((char*)buf)+i;
readpos +=i;
size -=i;
iRet +=i;
return iRet;
void abort(void){
int x=0,y=160;
PrintMini(&x,&y,"Abort called",0,0xFFFFFFFF,0,0,0xFFFF,0,1,0);
int key;
int main(void){
int time, ms_index=0, ms_mmap=0;
InitFlashSimu("doom.wad"); //load wad file to flash simulation on simulator, do nothing on real HW
SaveVRAMBuffer = aSaveVRAMBuffer;
SystemStack = aSystemStack;
Bdisp_FrameAndColor(3, 16);
Bdisp_FrameAndColor(1, 0);
WADFileInfo wads[16];
int wad_count = FindWADs(wads, 16);
extern int startmap;
int dev_info = 0;
startmap = 1;
int choice = UI_Main(wads, wad_count, &dev_info, &gWADmethod, &startmap);
if(choice < 0)
return 1;
unsigned tmp=((unsigned)getSecondaryVramAddress()+3)&(~3);
SaveVRAMBuffer = (unsigned char*)tmp;
/* Graph 90+E: RAM starts at 0x0c000000 in physical memory */
SystemStack = (void *)0xac0f0000;
VRAM = (unsigned short*)GetVRAMAddress();
/* Setup access to WAD file */
if(gWADmethod == CGDOOM_WAD_BFILE)
gWADfd = Bfile_OpenFile_OS(wads[choice].path, 0, 0);
/* Index most likely flash sectors into a sorted array, so that
sectors can be hit quickly. The index contains every sector
on a 4-kiB boundary (where fragments are most likely to
start) between FLASH_FS_HINT and FLASH_END. */
time = RTC_GetTicks();
gIndex = (void *)SystemStack;
for(int i = 0; i < FLASH_INDEX_SIZE; i++) {
SectorIndexInfo *info = &gIndex[i];
info->sector = FLASH_FS_HINT + (i * 4096);
info->start_bytes = *(const uint32_t *)info->sector;
qsort(gIndex, FLASH_INDEX_SIZE, sizeof *gIndex, IndexCompareSectors);
ms_index = (RTC_GetTicks() - time) * 8;
time = RTC_GetTicks();
gWADMap.mTable = (void *)0xfe200000; /* PRAM0 */
int fd = Bfile_OpenFile_OS(wads[choice].path, 0, 0);
int size = CreateFileMapping(fd, &gWADMap);
UI_FileMappingProgressBar(1, 1);
ms_mmap = (RTC_GetTicks() - time) * 8;
if(size == -1) {
I_Error ("File read error");
return 1;
else if(size == -2) {
I_Error ("Page not found");
return 1;
else if(size == -3) {
I_Error ("File too fragmented");
return 1;
else if(dev_info) {
Layout l;
Layout_CenteredText(&l, "Developer info");
Layout_Spacing(&l, 12);
Layout_Text(&l, "Fragments:", "%d", gDevFragments);
Layout_Text(&l, "Index hits:", "%d (%d%%)", gDevIndexHits,
(gDevIndexHits * 100 / gDevFragments));
Layout_Text(&l, "Lowest fragment:", "%p",
Layout_Spacing(&l, 12);
Layout_Text(&l, "Index build time:", "%d ms", ms_index);
Layout_Text(&l, "File mapping time:", "%d ms", ms_mmap);
int key;
memset(VRAM, 0, WIDTH*HEIGHT*2);
Bdisp_FrameAndColor(3, 16);
Bdisp_FrameAndColor(1, 0);
if(gWADfd >= 0)
return 1;
//todo: wrapper pro (patch_t*), + flash