
526 lines
18 KiB

#include "../config.h"
#include "boss.h"
#include "bullet.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <num/num.h>
#include <gint/rtc.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "../utilities/fast_trig.h"
#include <gint/gint.h>
#include "collections.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "../utilities/vector2D.h"
extern bopti_image_t img_Lifebar;
extern bopti_image_t img_Boss1;
extern bopti_image_t img_BossGun;
extern font_t milifont_prop;
extern std::vector<Bullet*> MyEnemiesBullets;
extern Player *MyPlayer;
#define NB_PIECES_BOSS 12
#define NB_GUNS 12
libnum::num XdataBossInternal[NB_PIECES_BOSS];
libnum::num YdataBossInternal[NB_PIECES_BOSS];
libnum::num XdataBossExternal[NB_PIECES_BOSS];
libnum::num YdataBossExternal[NB_PIECES_BOSS];
BossPart Pieces[NB_PIECES_BOSS*2];
libnum::num xGuns[NB_GUNS];
libnum::num yGuns[NB_GUNS];
BossGun Guns[NB_GUNS];
#include <stdio.h>
void savedata( void )
FILE* exportfp = fopen("databosPtxt", "w" );
fprintf(exportfp, "Points : \n" );
for( int i=0; i<NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
fprintf(exportfp, "Ext[ %d ] : X= %d - Y= %d \n", i, (int) XdataBossExternal[i], (int) YdataBossExternal[i] );
for( int i=0; i<NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
fprintf(exportfp, "Int[ %d ] : X= %d - Y= %d \n", i, (int) XdataBossInternal[i], (int) YdataBossInternal[i] );
fprintf(exportfp, "Triangles : \n" );
for( int i=0; i<NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
fprintf(exportfp, "Tri ext[ %d ] : P1= %d - P2= %d - P3= %d \n", i, Pieces[2*i].P1, Pieces[2*i].P2, Pieces[2*i].P3 );
for( int i=0; i<NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
fprintf(exportfp, "Tri int[ %d ] : P1= %d - P2= %d - P3= %d \n", i, Pieces[2*i+1].P1, Pieces[2*i+1].P2, Pieces[2*i+1].P3 );
fclose( exportfp );
bool Is_Point_Inside_Triangle( int Px, int Py, int P1x, int P1y, int P2x, int P2y, int P3x, int P3y )
int as_x = Px - P1x;
int as_y = Py - P1y;
bool s_ab = (P2x - P1x) * as_y - (P2y - P1y) * as_x > 0;
if (((P3x - P1x) * as_y - (P3y - P1y) * as_x > 0) == s_ab)
return false;
if (((P3x - P2x) * (Py - P2y) - (P3y - P2y)*(Px - P2x) > 0) != s_ab)
return false;
return true;
Boss::Boss( int16_t _x, int16_t _y, uint8_t _id ) : Enemy( _x, _y, _id )
speed = 1;
width = img_Boss1.width/2;
height = img_Boss1.height/2;
xmin = (int) x - width;
xmax = (int) x + width;
ymin = (int) y - height;
ymax = (int) y + height;
if (ID==0)
life = 1000;
life0 = 1000;
loopTrajectory = true;
lastshoot0 = rtc_ticks();
lastshoot1 = rtc_ticks();
radiusInt = libnum::num( 80 );
radiusExt = libnum::num( 90 );
rotAngle = 0.0f;
rotSpeed = 2;
for( int i=0; i<NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
Pieces[i*2].P1 = i%NB_PIECES_BOSS; //exterior circle
Pieces[i*2].P2 = (i+1)%NB_PIECES_BOSS; //exterior circle
Pieces[i*2].P3 = (i+1)%NB_PIECES_BOSS; //interior circle
Pieces[i*2].life = 100;
Pieces[i*2].toberemoved = false;
Pieces[i*2].color = 0xbdf7; //light gray
Pieces[i*2+1].P1 = i%NB_PIECES_BOSS; //interior circle
Pieces[i*2+1].P2 = (i+1)%NB_PIECES_BOSS; //interior circle
Pieces[i*2+1].P3 = i%NB_PIECES_BOSS; //exterior circle
Pieces[i*2+1].life = 100;
Pieces[i*2+1].toberemoved = false;
Pieces[i*2+1].color = 0x528a; //darker gray
for( int i=0; i<NB_GUNS; i++ )
Guns[i].life = 100;
Guns[i].toberemoved = false;
void Boss::Update( float dt )
if (hasTrajectory)
if (pathToFollow->CalculatePosition( &accumulatedTime, dt, speed, loopTrajectory, &x, &y ) == -1)
xmin = (int) x - width;
xmax = (int) x + width;
ymin = (int) y - height;
ymax = (int) y + height;
rotAngle += rotSpeed * dt / 25000.0f;
if (rotAngle>360.0f) rotAngle-=360.0f;
/* Management of the shield part of the boss (rotating circles made of triangles)*/
uint16_t angleint = (uint16_t) rotAngle;
uint16_t angledelta = (uint16_t) (360/NB_PIECES_BOSS);
for( int i=0; i<NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
XdataBossInternal[ i ] = this->x + this->radiusInt * FastCosInt( angleint );
YdataBossInternal[ i ] = this->y + this->radiusInt * FastSinInt( angleint );
angleint += angledelta;
if (angleint>=360) angleint -= 360;
// Pour le cercle Exterieur on se décale d'un demi-incrément d'angle pour le sommet du triangle
angleint = (uint16_t) rotAngle + angledelta/2;
if (angleint>=360) angleint -= 360;
for( int i=0; i<NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
XdataBossExternal[ i ] = this->x + this->radiusExt * FastCosInt( angleint );
YdataBossExternal[ i ] = this->y + this->radiusExt * FastSinInt( angleint );
angleint += angledelta;
if (angleint>=360) angleint -= 360;
/* Management of the Guns part of the boss (rotating cannons made of sprites)*/
angledelta = (uint16_t) (360/NB_GUNS);
angleint = (uint16_t) rotAngle + angledelta/2;
if (angleint>=360) angleint -= 360;
for( int i=0; i<NB_GUNS; i++ )
xGuns[i] = this->x + (this->radiusInt + this->radiusExt) / 2 * FastCosInt( angleint );
yGuns[i] = this->y + (this->radiusInt + this->radiusExt) / 2 * FastSinInt( angleint );
angleint += angledelta;
if (angleint>=360) angleint -= 360;
uint32_t tempshoot = rtc_ticks();
bool hasExternalGun = false;
if (Shoot_OK( tempshoot, BULLET_ENEMY_RED ))
/* shoot from the rotating cannons (aiming directly the position of the player )*/
for( int i=0; i<NB_GUNS; i++ )
if (Guns[i].toberemoved==false)
Vector2D shootDirection( MyPlayer->x - xGuns[i], MyPlayer->y - yGuns[i] );
Bullet *b = new Bullet( xGuns[i] , yGuns[i], shootDirection.x, shootDirection.y, BULLET_ENEMY_RED );
MyEnemiesBullets.push_back( b );
hasExternalGun = true;
if (hasExternalGun==false)
if(Shoot_OK( tempshoot, BULLET_ENEMY_GREEN ))
/* central shoot from the main ship only if no more other gun shooting */
Bullet *b0 = new Bullet( xmin, (int) y, -3, 0, BULLET_ENEMY_GREEN );
MyEnemiesBullets.push_back( b0 );
Bullet *b1 = new Bullet( xmin, (int) y, -2, -2, BULLET_ENEMY_BLUE );
MyEnemiesBullets.push_back( b1 );
Bullet *b2 = new Bullet( xmin, (int) y, -2, 2, BULLET_ENEMY_BLUE );
MyEnemiesBullets.push_back( b2 );
Bullet *b3 = new Bullet( xmin, (int) y, -3, -1, BULLET_ENEMY_GREEN );
MyEnemiesBullets.push_back( b3 );
Bullet *b4 = new Bullet( xmin, (int) y, -3, 1, BULLET_ENEMY_GREEN );
MyEnemiesBullets.push_back( b4 );
void Boss::Render( void )
if (toberemoved==false)
for( int i=0; i<NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
if (Pieces[i*2].toberemoved == false)
azrp_triangle( (int) XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P1 ], (int) YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P1 ],
(int) XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P2 ], (int) YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P2 ],
(int) XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2].P3 ], (int) YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2].P3 ],
Pieces[i*2].color );
dfont( &milifont_prop );
int X = (int) ((XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P1 ] + XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P2 ] + XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2].P3 ]) / 3);
int Y = (int) ((YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P1 ] + YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P2 ] + YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2].P3 ]) / 3);
azrp_print( X, Y, C_WHITE, "%d", Pieces[i*2].life );
if (Pieces[i*2+1].toberemoved == false)
azrp_triangle( (int) XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P1 ], (int) YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P1 ],
(int) XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P2 ], (int) YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P2 ],
(int) XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P3 ], (int) YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P3 ],
Pieces[i*2+1].color );
dfont( &milifont_prop );;
int X = (int) ((XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P1 ] + XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P2 ] + XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P3 ]) / 3);
int Y = (int) ((YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P1 ] + YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P2 ] + YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P3 ]) / 3);
azrp_print( X, Y, C_WHITE, "%d", Pieces[i*2+1].life );
for( int i=0; i<NB_GUNS; i++ )
if (Guns[i].toberemoved==false)
azrp_image_p8_effect( (int) xGuns[i] - img_BossGun.width/2,
(int) yGuns[i] - img_BossGun.height/2,
&img_BossGun, DIMAGE_NONE);
dfont( &milifont_prop );;
int X = (int) xGuns[i] - img_BossGun.width/2 + 15 ;
int Y = (int) yGuns[i] - img_BossGun.height/2 +15;
azrp_print( X, Y, C_WHITE, "%d", Guns[i].life );
azrp_image_p8_effect(xmin, ymin, &img_Boss1, DIMAGE_NONE);
if (life>life0*2/3) azrp_subimage_p8_effect((int) x - img_Lifebar.width/2, ymin - 9, &img_Lifebar, 0, 7, (img_Lifebar.width*life)/life0, 5, DIMAGE_NONE );
else if (life>life0/3) azrp_subimage_p8_effect((int) x - img_Lifebar.width/2, ymin - 9, &img_Lifebar, 0, 12, (img_Lifebar.width*life)/life0, 5, DIMAGE_NONE );
else azrp_subimage_p8_effect((int) x - img_Lifebar.width/2, ymin - 9, &img_Lifebar, 0, 17, (img_Lifebar.width*life)/life0, 5, DIMAGE_NONE );
bool Boss::Test_Impact( Bullet *projectile )
/* We check if the bullet collides with teh shield of the boss */
for( int i=0; i< NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
if (Pieces[i*2].toberemoved == false)
if (Is_Point_Inside_Triangle( (int) projectile->x, (int) projectile->y,
(int) XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P1 ], (int) YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P1 ],
(int) XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P2 ], (int) YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P2 ],
(int) XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2].P3 ], (int) YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2].P3 ] ))
Pieces[i*2].life -= projectile->strength;
if (Pieces[i*2].life<=0)
Pieces[i*2].toberemoved = true;
Create_Explosion( (int) projectile->x, (int) projectile->y );
projectile->toberemoved = true;
return true;
if (Pieces[i*2+1].toberemoved == false)
if (Is_Point_Inside_Triangle( (int) projectile->x, (int) projectile->y,
(int) XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P1 ], (int) YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P1 ],
(int) XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P2 ], (int) YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P2 ],
(int) XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P3 ], (int) YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P3 ] ))
Pieces[i*2+1].life -= projectile->strength;
if (Pieces[i*2+1].life<=0)
Pieces[i*2+1].toberemoved = true;
Create_Explosion( (int) projectile->x, (int) projectile->y );
projectile->toberemoved = true;
return true;
/* We check if the bullet collides with the cannons of the boss */
for( int i=0; i<NB_GUNS; i++ )
if (Guns[i].toberemoved==false)
if (projectile->x >= (int) xGuns[i] - img_BossGun.width/2 &&
projectile->x <= (int) xGuns[i] + img_BossGun.width/2 &&
projectile->y >= (int) yGuns[i] - img_BossGun.height/2 &&
projectile->y <= (int) yGuns[i] + img_BossGun.height/2 )
Guns[i].life -= projectile->strength;
if (Guns[i].life<0)
Guns[i].toberemoved = true;
Create_Explosion( (int) projectile->x, (int) projectile->y );
projectile->toberemoved = true;
return true;
/* We check if the bullet collides with the main ship part of the boss */
if (projectile->x >= xmin && projectile->x <= xmax && projectile->y >= ymin && projectile->y <= ymax )
life -= projectile->strength;
if (life<0)
this->toberemoved = true;
Create_Explosion( (int) projectile->x, (int) projectile->y );
projectile->toberemoved = true;
return true;
else return false;
bool Boss::Test_Impact( Laser *projectile )
Vector2D Start( projectile->sx, projectile->sy );
Vector2D Direction( projectile->dx, projectile->dy );
bool hit = false;
/* We check if the laser collides with the shield of the boss */
for( int i=0; i< NB_PIECES_BOSS; i++ )
if (Pieces[i*2].toberemoved == false)
Vector2D A( XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P1 ], YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P1 ]);
Vector2D B( XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P2 ], YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2].P2 ]);
Vector2D C( XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2].P3 ], YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2].P3 ]);
if (LineTriangle_Collision( Start, Direction, A, B, C))
Pieces[i*2].life -= projectile->strength;
Create_Impact(((int) (A.x + B.x + C.x))/3, ((int) (A.y + B.y + C.y))/3 );
if (Pieces[i*2].life<=0)
Pieces[i*2].toberemoved = true;
Create_Explosion(((int) (A.x + B.x + C.x))/3, ((int) (A.y + B.y + C.y))/3 );
hit = true;
if (Pieces[i*2+1].toberemoved == false)
Vector2D A( XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P1 ], YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P1 ]);
Vector2D B( XdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P2 ], YdataBossInternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P2 ]);
Vector2D C( XdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P3 ], YdataBossExternal[ Pieces[i*2+1].P3 ]);
if (LineTriangle_Collision( Start, Direction, A, B, C))
Pieces[i*2+1].life -= projectile->strength;
Create_Impact(((int) (A.x + B.x + C.x))/3, ((int) (A.y + B.y + C.y))/3 );
if (Pieces[i*2+1].life<=0)
Pieces[i*2+1].toberemoved = true;
Create_Explosion(((int) (A.x + B.x + C.x))/3, ((int) (A.y + B.y + C.y))/3 );
hit = true;
/* We check if the laser collides with the cannons of the boss */
for( int i=0; i<NB_GUNS; i++ )
if (Guns[i].toberemoved == false)
Vector2D BoxMin( xGuns[i] - libnum::num(img_BossGun.width/2), yGuns[i] - libnum::num(img_BossGun.height/2) );
Vector2D BoxMax( xGuns[i] + libnum::num(img_BossGun.width/2), yGuns[i] + libnum::num(img_BossGun.height/2) );
if (LineRectangle_Collision( Start, Direction, BoxMin, BoxMax ))
Guns[i].life -= projectile->strength;
Create_Impact( (int) xGuns[i], (int) yGuns[i] );
if (Guns[i].life<0)
Guns[i].toberemoved = true;
Create_Explosion( (int) xGuns[i], (int) yGuns[i] );
hit = true;
/* We check if the laser collides with the main ship part of the boss */
Vector2D BoxMin( libnum::num(this->xmin), libnum::num(this->ymin) );
Vector2D BoxMax( libnum::num(this->xmax), libnum::num(this->ymax) );
if (LineRectangle_Collision( Start, Direction, BoxMin, BoxMax ))
life -= projectile->strength;
Create_Impact( (int) x, (int) y );
if (life<0)
this->toberemoved = true;
Create_Explosion( (int) this->x, (int) this->y );
hit = true;
return hit;
bool Boss::Shoot_OK( uint32_t tempshoot, uint8_t shootID )
return false;
return true;
else return false;
else if (shootID==BULLET_ENEMY_GREEN)
return true;
else return false;
else return false;