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#! /usr/bin/make -f
# gintrace project Makefile
# Build architecture:
# build/
# |-- libraries/
# | |-- static/
# | | |-- fx/
# | | | |-- gui_display.o
# | | | |-- gui_menu.o
# | | | ...
# | | | `-- ubc_handler.o
# | | `-- cg/
# | | |-- gui_display.o
# | | |-- gui_menu.o
# | | ...
# | | `-- ubc_handler.o
# | `-- dynamic/
# | |-- fx/
# | | |-- gui_display.o
# | | |-- gui_menu.o
# | | ...
# | | `-- ubc_handler.o
# | `-- cg/
# | |-- gui_display.o
# | |-- gui_menu.o
# | ...
# | `-- ubc_handler.o
# `-- demo/
# |-- fx/
# | |-- main.o
# | `-- map (ELF link map informations)
# `-- cg/
# |-- main.o
# `-- map
MAJOR := 0
MINOR := 8
PATCH := 0
# Build rules
# Make selects the first rule set when you type "make" but, in our case, we are
# going to generate most of the rules. So, we set a placeholder to force the
# "all" rule to be the "first" rule
first: all
# display the library version
# Display helper
@ echo 'Rules listing:'
@ echo '... all the default, if no target is provided'
@ echo '... clean remove build object'
@ echo '... fclean remove all generated object'
@ echo '... re same as `make fclean all`'
@ echo '... version display version'
@ echo '... install install the library'
@ echo '... uninstall uninstall the library'
.PHONY: help version first
# Build configuration
# Require configuration file
CONFIG := gintrace.cfg
ifeq "$(wildcard $(CONFIG))" ""
$(error "config file $(CONFIG) does not exist (you should use `./configure`")
include $(CONFIG)
# color definition, for swagg :D
red := \033[1;31m
green := \033[1;32m
blue := \033[1;34m
white := \033[1;37m
nocolor := \033[1;0m
# common information for FX platform
FX_INCLUDE := -I include -I .
FX_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Os
# common information for CG platform
CG_INCLUDE := -I include -I .
CG_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Os
# Determine the compiler install and include path
GCC_BASE_FX := $(shell sh-elf-gcc --print-search-dirs | grep install | sed 's/install: //')
GCC_BASE_CG := $(shell sh-elf-gcc --print-search-dirs | grep install | sed 's/install: //')
# Generate building rules
# This function will generate compilation rule for each sources.
# @params:
# *1 - source file pathname
# *2 - build directory path (output)
# *3 - C flags
# *4 - compiler name
# *5 - variable name (which store generated output filename)
# *6 - workaround to remove unwanted pathname information (src or demo)
# *7 - workaround to avoid undefined behaviour with $(eval $(call ...))
define generate-compilation-rule
# generate the rule name
# @note:
# This is also the object filename, so to avoid multiple object filename
# generation, we save it into one variable that will be added to the given
# variable (arg $5), which list all object name.
object-$7-filename := $(patsubst $6_%,$2/%.o,$(subst /,_,$(basename $1)))
# generate the rules
$$(object-$7-filename): $1
ifeq ($(CONFIG.VERBOSE),true)
@ mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
@ echo "$6 - $2 - $1"
$4 $3 -o $$@ -c $$<
@ mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
@ printf "$(green)>$(nocolor) $(white)$$@$(nocolor)\n"
@ $4 $3 -o $$@ -c $$<
# update the object fileame list, used by the main rule
$5 += $$(object-$7-filename)
# Function that will generate all rules for building each library.
# @params:
# *1 - format (dynamic/static)
# *2 - platform (fx/cg)
# *3 - source files list
# *4 - library name (without extra information ("gintrace" not "gintrace.a"))
# *5 - variable name (target list)
define generate-target-library
# generate common information
tname := $4-$2
target-$(tname)-build := build/library/$1/$2
target-$(tname)-build-src := build/library/$1/$2
# generate platform specific flags
ifeq ($2,fx)
target-$(tname)-cflags := -D FX9860G -m3
target-$(tname)-cflags += $(FX_INCLUDE) $(FX_CFLAGS)
ifeq ($2,cg)
target-$(tname)-cflags := -D FXCG50 -m4-nofpu
target-$(tname)-cflags += $(CG_INCLUDE) $(CG_CFLAGS)
# generate format-specific flags
ifeq ($1,static)
target-$(tname)-ldflags :=
target-$(tname)-cflags += -mb -ffreestanding -nostdlib
target-$(tname)-cflags += -fstrict-volatile-bitfields
target-$(tname)-exec := lib$4-$2.a
target-$(tname)-gcc := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-gcc
target-$(tname)-ar := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-ar
ifeq ($1,dynamic)
target-$(tname)-ldflags := -shared -T dynlib.ld
target-$(tname)-ldflags += -Wl,-Map=$$(target-$(tname)-build)/map
target-$(tname)-ldflags += -Wl,-soname=$4-$2
target-$(tname)-cflags += -mb -ffreestanding -nostdlib
target-$(tname)-cflags += -fstrict-volatile-bitfields -fPIC
target-$(tname)-exec := lib$4-$2-$(MAJOR).$(MINOR).$(PATCH).so
target-$(tname)-gcc := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-gcc
target-$(tname)-ar := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-ar
# generate compilation rules and generate all object filename into the
# object list variable, this will be used by the `main` rule
target-$(tname)-obj :=
$$(foreach source,$3,$$(eval \
$$(call generate-compilation-rule,$$(source),\
# Register the library building rule name
# @note:
# This rule list is used by the main compiling rule like a dependency. And it's
# this dependency that will involve all generated rules for building each
# libraries.
$5 += $$(target-$(tname)-exec)
# Generate the "linking" rule
$$(target-$(tname)-exec): $$(target-$(tname)-obj)
@ mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
@ printf "$(blue)Create the library $(red)$$@$(nocolor)\n"
ifeq ($1,dynamic)
$$(target-$(tname)-gcc) $$(target-$(tname)-ldflags) \
-o $$@ $$^ -nostdlib -lgcc
$$(target-$(tname)-ar) crs $$@ $$^
# Function that will generate all rules for building each demo addin
# @params:
# *1 - platform (fx/cg)
# *2 - source files list
# *3 - library name (without extra information ("gintrace" not "gintrace.a"))
# *4 - variable name (target list)
define generate-target-demo
# generate path information
tname := $3-$1
target-$(tname)-build := build/demo/$1
target-$(tname)-build-src := build/demo/$1
# generate common information
target-$(tname)-elf := $$(target-$(tname)-build)/$3-$1.elf
target-$(tname)-bin := $$(target-$(tname)-build)/$3-$1.bin
target-$(tname)-cflags := -mb -ffreestanding -nostdlib
target-$(tname)-cflags += -fstrict-volatile-bitfields
target-$(tname)-ldflags := -Wl,-Map=$$(target-$(tname)-build)/map
target-$(tname)-gcc := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-gcc
target-$(tname)-objcopy := $(CONFIG.TOOLCHAIN)-objcopy
# generate platform specific flags
ifeq ($1,fx)
target-$(tname)-cflags += -D FX9860G -m3
target-$(tname)-ldflags += -T fx9860g.ld
target-$(tname)-libs := -L. -L $(GCC_INCLUDE_FX)
target-$(tname)-libs += -lgint-fx -lgintrace-fx -lgint-fx -lgcc
target-$(tname)-exec := $3.g1a
ifeq ($1,cg)
target-$(tname)-cflags += -D FXCG50 -m4-nofpu
target-$(tname)-ldflags += -T fxcg50.ld
target-$(tname)-libs := -L. -L $(GCC_INCLUDE_CG)
target-$(tname)-libs += -lgint-cg -lgintrace-cg -lgint-cg -lgcc
target-$(tname)-exec := $3.g3a
# generate compilation rules and generate all object filename
target-$(tname)-obj :=
$$(foreach source,$2,$$(eval \
$$(call generate-compilation-rule,$$(source),\
# Register the demo building rule name
$4 += $$(target-$(tname)-exec)
# Generate the addin main rule
$$(target-$(tname)-exec): $$(target-$(tname)-obj)
@ mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
@ printf "$(blue)Create the demo addin $(red)$$@$(nocolor)\n"
$$(target-$(tname)-gcc) $$(target-$(tname)-cflags) \
$$(target-$(tname)-ldflags) -o $$(target-$(tname)-elf) \
$$(target-$(tname)-obj) $$(target-$(tname)-libs)
$$(target-$(tname)-objcopy) -O binary -R .bss -R .gint_bss \
$$(target-$(tname)-elf) $$(target-$(tname)-bin)
ifeq ($1,fx)
fxg1a $$(target-$(tname)-bin) -o $$@ -i "assets/fx/icon-fx.png"
mkg3a -n basic:"$3" -i uns:"assets/cg/icon-cg-uns.png" \
-i sel:"assets/cg/icon-cg-sel.png" $$(target-$(tname)-bin) $$@
# Generate all building rules for the "library" part
# find sources files
target-lib-directory := $(shell find src -not -path "*/\.*" -type d)
target-lib-src := $(foreach path,$(target-lib-directory), \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.c) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.S) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.s))
# generate all library rules
target-lib-list :=
$(foreach format,$(CONFIG.FORMAT),\
$(foreach platform,$(CONFIG.PLATFORM),$(eval \
$(call generate-target-library,$(format),$(platform),\
$(target-lib-src),gintrace,target-lib-list) \
# Generate all building rules for the "demo" part, if requested
target-demo_list :=
ifeq ($(CONFIG.DEMO),true)
# find source files
target-demo-directory := $(shell find demo -not -path "*/\.*" -type d)
target-demo-src := $(foreach path,$(target-demo-directory), \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.c) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.S) \
$(wildcard $(path)/*.s))
# generate all demo rules
target-demo-list :=
$(foreach platform,$(CONFIG.PLATFORM),$(eval \
$(call generate-target-demo,$(platform),\
$(target-demo-src),gintrace,target-demo-list) \
# Build rules
all: $(target-lib-list) $(target-demo-list)
.PHONY: all
# Generate installation rules (library only)
# Common rules generated for the installation of each libraries.
# Basically, it will generate <libname>-install and <libname>-uninstall rules
# @note:
# *1 - library pathname
# *2 - variable name (installation rules list)
# *3 - variable name (uninstallation rules list)
define generate-install-rule
# Generate the installation rule
$(basename $(notdir $1))-install:
install -d $(CONFIG.PREFIX)
install $1 -m 644 $(CONFIG.PREFIX)
# Generate the uninstallation rule
$(basename $(notdir $1))-uninstall:
rm -f $(CONFIG.PREFIX)$(notdir $1)
# Register generated rules into their appropriate list
$2 += $(basename $(notdir $1))-install
$3 += $(basename $(notdir $1))-uninstall
# Generate all installation/uninstallation rules
target-install-rules :=
target-uninstall-rules :=
$(foreach target,$(target-lib-list),$(eval \
$(call generate-install-rule,$(target),\
target-install-rules,target-uninstall-rules) \
# Generate the path where include directory will be installed.
target-install-header-dir := $(CONFIG.PREFIX)include/
ifeq ($(wildcard $(target-install-header-dir)gintrace/.*),)
target-install-header-dir := $(target-install-header-dir)gintrace
# Installation rules
install: $(target-list) $(target-install-rules)
cp -r include/gintrace/ $(target-install-header-dir)
uninstall: $(target-uninstall-rules)
rm -rf $(CONFIG.PREFIX)include/gintrace
# (internal) debug rule
#target-list :=
#DEBUG=$(call generate-target-library,static,fx,src/gui/menu.c,gintrace,target-list)
##DEBUG=$(call generate-install-rule,/output/static/fxlibc.a)
##DEBUG=$(call generate-target-demo,fx,demo/main.c,gintrace,target-list)
##DEBUG=$(call generate-compilation-rule,demo/main.c,build/demo/fx,-Wall,sh-elf-gcc,target-list,demo)
#export DEBUG
# @ echo "$$DEBUG"
# @ echo "target-lib: $(target-libs)"
# @ echo "generated lib: $(lib-generation-rules)"
# @ echo "target format: $(target-formats)"
# @ echo "install-rules: $(lib-installation-rules)"
# @ echo "uninstall-rules: $(lib-uninstallation-rules)"
# cleaning rules
rm -rf build
fclean: clean
rm -rf $(target-lib-list) $(target-demo-list)
re: fclean all
.PHONY: install uninstall clean fclean re all