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from random import choice
import re
import requests
import time
from irc_api import commands
# from irc_api.commands import auto_help
2023-06-11 14:30:18 +02:00
2023-06-11 13:45:17 +02:00
@commands.on(lambda m: isinstance(re.match(r"(.*)(bonjour|coucou|salut|hey|hello|hi|yo) glados(.*)", m.text, re.IGNORECASE), re.Match))
def greetings_hello(bot, msg):
"""Dit bonjour à l'utilisateur"""
greetings = ("Bonjour", "Coucou", "Salut", "Hey", "Hello", "Hi", "Yo")
bot.send(, f"{choice(greetings)} {}.")
2023-06-11 13:45:17 +02:00
@commands.on(lambda m: isinstance(re.match(r"(.*)(au revoir|(à|a) plus|a\+|(à|a) toute|@\+|bye|see you|see you soon) glados(.*)", m.text, re.IGNORECASE), re.Match))
def greetings_bye(bot, msg):
"""Dit au revoir à l'utilisateur."""
2023-06-12 16:56:17 +02:00
greetings = ("Au revoir,", "À plus,", "Bye bye,", "See you soon,", "Bye,")
bot.send(, f"{choice(greetings)} {}.")
@commands.on(lambda m: isinstance(re.match(r"(.*)(merci|merci beaucoup|thx|thanks|thank you) glados(.*)", m.text, re.IGNORECASE), re.Match))
def thanks(bot, msg):
"""Répond aux remerciements de l'utilisateur."""
2023-06-12 16:56:17 +02:00
thanks_choice = ("Mais je vous en prie.", "Tout le plaisir est pour moi.", "C'est tout naturel.")
bot.send(, choice(thanks_choice))
2023-06-11 13:45:17 +02:00
2023-06-11 18:25:08 +02:00
@commands.on(lambda m: isinstance(re.match(r"(.*)quelle heure(.*)?", m.text, re.IGNORECASE), re.Match))
def hour(bot, msg):
"""Donne l'heure actuelle"""
now = time.strftime("%Hh%M", time.localtime())
bot.send(, f"Il est très exactement {now}.")
@commands.on(lambda m: "mec" in m.text.lower() and "glados" in m.text.lower())
2023-06-14 11:54:00 +02:00
def react_on_mec(bot, msg):
bot.send(, "Chuis pas ton mec, mon pote.")
@commands.on(lambda m: "pote" in m.text.lower() and "glados" in m.text.lower())
2023-06-14 11:54:00 +02:00
def react_on_pote(bot, msg):
bot.send(, "Chuis pas ton pote, mon gars.")
@commands.on(lambda m: "gars" in m.text.lower() and "glados" in m.text.lower())
2023-06-14 11:54:00 +02:00
def react_on_gars(bot, msg):
bot.send(, "Chuis pas ton gars, mec.")
@commands.command("wiki", desc="wiki <recherche> [limite=1]\nFait une recherche wikipedia.")
def wiki(bot, msg, text: str, limit: int=1):
if not (1 < limit <= 10):
limit = 1
session = requests.Session()
params = {
'action': 'opensearch',
'search': text,
'limit': limit,
'namespace': 0,
'redirects': 'resolve',
'format': 'json'
response = session.get(url="", params=params, timeout=(4, 12)).json()
if len(response[1]) == 0:
bot.send(, f"Aucun résultat trouvé pour la recherche : {text}.")
bot.send(, f"{len(response[1])} résultat{('', 's')[limit > 1]} pour la recherche : '{text}'.")
for name, link in zip(response[1], response[3]):
bot.send(, f" {name} : {link}")