Fork 0

126 lines
4.7 KiB

#include "map.h"
#include <gint/display.h>
void render_map(Player *player, Map *map_level) {
/* for all Layer (2 in the current configuration: Background is layer 0 and
* foreground is layer 1 ) */
/* x and y will contain the position in the loop. */
unsigned char x, y;
/* The positions where we start drawing the tiles will be in tx and
* ty. */
unsigned short int tx, ty;
/* mx and my will contain how many pixels will be hidden on x and on
* y. */
unsigned char mx, my;
/* dw and dh contain the amount of tiles that will be drawn on x and on
* y. */
unsigned char dw = DWIDTH/T_WIDTH+2, dh = DHEIGHT/T_HEIGHT+1;
/* mw and mh will contain the height and the width of the map. */
unsigned short int mw = map_level->w*T_WIDTH, mh = map_level->h*T_HEIGHT;
/* tile contains the tile to draw. */
short int tile;
/* The position where I start drawing */
unsigned short int sx, sy;
/* The position of the tile in the tileset. */
unsigned short int xtile, ytile;
/* The layer we're drawing */
unsigned char l;
/* Fix sx. */
/* If I can't center the player because I'm near the left border of
* the map. */
player->px = player->x;
sx = 0;
}else if(player->x+DWIDTH/2>mw){
/* If I can't center the player because I'm near the right border of
* the map. */
sx = mw-DWIDTH;
player->px = player->x-sx;
/* I can center the player. */
player->px = DWIDTH/2;
sx = player->x-player->px;
/* Fix sy. */
/* If I can't center the player because I'm near the top border of
* the map. */
player->py = player->y;
sy = 0;
}else if(player->y+DHEIGHT/2>mh){
/* If I can't center the player because I'm near the bottom border
* of the map. */
sy = mh-DHEIGHT;
player->py = player->y-sy;
/* I can center the player. */
player->py = DHEIGHT/2;
sy = player->y-player->py;
tx = sx/T_WIDTH;
ty = sy/T_HEIGHT;
mx = sx-tx*T_WIDTH;
my = sy-ty*T_HEIGHT;
for (l = 0; l < map_level->nblayers-1; l++){
/* Draw a layer of the map on screen. */
/* I get the tile number if his position is inside the map. Then
* I draw it. */
if(tx+x>=0 && tx+x < map_level->w &&
ty+y>=0 && ty+y < map_level->h){
// index of the current tile
int currentIndex = (y+ty) * map_level->w + tx+x;
//we get the ID of the tile in the current drawable layers
tile = map_level->layers[l][currentIndex];
/* tile == -1 means nothing to be drawn */
if(tile >= 0){
/* get x and y position in the tileset image */
xtile = (tile % map_level->tileset_size) * T_WIDTH;
ytile = (tile / map_level->tileset_size) * T_HEIGHT;
/* render */
dsubimage(x*T_WIDTH-mx, y*T_HEIGHT-my,
map_level->tileset, xtile, ytile, T_WIDTH,
// This is for debut only
// I let this portion of code to indicate how the walkable layer can be use to know if tile is accessible and/or if specific behaviour is expected
// juste uncomment to activate
// I get the tile number if his position is inside the map. Then
// * I draw it.
if(tx+x>=0 && tx+x < map_level->w &&
ty+y>=0 && ty+y < map_level->h){
// index of the current tile
int currentIndex = (y+ty) * map_level->w + tx+x;
int walkable = map_level->walkable[currentIndex];
// for DEBUG ONLY, we print the ID of the current tile
if (walkable!=0) dprint(x*T_WIDTH-mx + 4, y*T_HEIGHT-my+4, C_RED, "%d", walkable );
short int get_tile(Map *map_level, int x, int y, int l) {
/* Get the tile at (x, y) on layer l. Returns the tile ID or MAP_OUTSIDE if
* she's not found. */
return x>=0 && x < map_level->w && y>=0 && y < map_level->h ?
map_level->layers[l][y * map_level->w + x] : MAP_OUTSIDE;